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Each day has something different for us than the former one. That difference should be felicitated from our side if not with smile then with serenity. Human tendency is to be curious about pleasure and to be cautious about pain. We always want that each change should be in our favour, in the way we wish.

Sometimes the facts about which we are sure turn their directions from the expected routes. At that time our patience inside us struggles to make a little bit space for itself. We should allow it, or else our senses will be driven into an endless slumber. These words are going to be true for Parth at next.

Parth opened his eyes, and discovered himself in another world. Colours were were brighter at that place, surrounding was utmost caring, vibes of divine aura were reasoning relaxation at first place, tenderness was travelling around while soothing deepest to soul.

He was awestruck enjoying the ethereal, being embraced in ecstasy. Suddenly a blow of wind ruffled his hairs. His hands rose to adjust his hairs. But he jerked when he tucked his hairs as his fingers got touched with his ear. He was shocked to find out that he was wearing ear rings. Then he noticed that his attire wasn't like usual.

He was wearing white robe and accessories over his upper body. Assuming it to be a dream he rubbed his eyes several times. But no results. How can the reality be wiped out with that worthless attempt? He was bewildered about his next step. He was feeling hard to believe that divine power can be proved as truth this much closely at the point where he is standing right now. At last he decided to voice out for help.

"Hello! Is there anyone? Can I get an answer?" He asked a bit louder than his usual tone.

"No one's question remain unanswered here," A voice answered which was seeming so known to Parth.

"Krish!" A shocked whisper came out from his mouth as Krish was also not in his usual attire.

Yellow robe adorned with many precious stones at boarder, highly scented flowers as garland, peacock feathers at crown, flute in hands, divine fragrance of sandalwood. Parth was staring at Krish with delight and devotion.

Kanha:Why are you silent now? Don't you have any other question, Parth?

Parth:Yeah, where are we, Krish? Why are these attires?

Kanha:Close your eyes, Parth. You will get to know everything.

He closed eyes, and his senses halted at the moment when the story started in actual. It was the time when Arjun had confessed his buried feelings to his sakha after coming to his reserved place, detaching every shackles from earth after fulfilling each duty.


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Arjun:Madhav, I feel like I didn't get to experience Subhi's free spirit towards me as a wife with her full rights.

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