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Time followed it's gradual flow, and started to proceed towards evening. All members of family were waiting for arrival of Yadavi as she said she will return till then.

With passing of each second tension was intensifying the atmosphere. Peace was drained away from each heart.

Ram and Krish started trying to contact with Yadavi and Aakash. But adding more to tension they both couldn't succeed.

When it became eight, Viswas (Their father) told them go to the picnic spot where she went, and to figure out the inconvenience. The weather was so bad. Heavy rainfall hasn't rested from starting of evening. Sushila (Their mother) suggested Ram to be with them as Suhana was panicking so much. That wasn't favourable for her as she was in her advanced stage of pregnancy.

Ram agreed because of situation. Then he suggested Krish to call Parth to assist him.

Krish went out by assuring all that he will return back with Yadavi. Parth also joined him on way.

When they both reached at that picnic spot of Goddess Ugratara, they saw all took shelter inside the temple. But Yadavi wasn't with them. All exchanged tensed look after noticing Krish's anger.

Krish:Aakash! Where's sweetu?

Aakash:Krish bhai, Actually

Krish:I want clear answer, Aakash.

Parth:Yes, Aakash. Say where's she?

Aakash:Actually we all went into jungle in four groups to visit, and explore. She was with me. When we saw a pond of lotus and water lily, she urged to have clear view and some pics of that. As the way was muddy she insisted to go alone. She just went few distance away. After her going I was checking phone's network. But when I went to check on her as her coming back was getting late, I didn't find her anywhere.

Krish:What do you mean that you didn't find her anywhere?

The rage in Krish's voice made all shiver in fear. Parth holding him by shoulders to support though he himself was breaking down in worry.

Aakash:Krish bhai, We couldn't find her well due to darkness and rain.

That made krish's anger out control.

Krish:How the hell could you do like this? Sweetu is alone, and in trouble. But you all gave up in concern of your own safety.

Parth was rubbing his back to soothe him.

Parth:Aakash, Please show us the place where you both were together for last time.

Aakash:For sure. Guys, You all be here. I am going with Krish bhai. When weather would be little calm, you all leave for your places.

All nodded, and the trio left for searching Yadavi. With much difficulties Aakash identified that place. Because all places of the forest were seeming same, and darkness was contributing more in favour of difficulties.

Then the trio divided, and started searching. Parth was feeling so restless. Only the last saying of Yadavi was ringing in his ears.

"What i won't be there in your any other time?"

"What if my existence doesn't mean for your next time?"

These questions were cracking the hold of his patience each time.

Parth's POV:

What had happened? Where are you, Subhi? I was just teasing you in name of next time. Can't I even tease you a little? What's there to mind this much? You are making all worried along with me. I didn't find you mischievous ever. Are you this much wicked that you can have fun by terrifying all?

I swear I won't tease you. I will hear, and obey all your saying. But please come back wherever you are.

POV Ends:

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture about which you wanna comment?

(3) What's your guess for next?

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey, LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN! Please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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