Chapter 40

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"I've crossed oceans of time to find you."

Jasmine sighed sadly while North and Luke smirked while shaking their heads. Every single time they said in unison through the link then went back to watching her watch the movie.

"Our love is stronger than death."

She sniffled and clutched the pillow in her lap tighter as the credits popped up. "Don't—"

"We won't," The men said at the same time.

"I fucking love the movie," Gabe shrugged. "That kind of love and devotion is the fucking best."

"Too bad it isn't real," She whispered so softly they almost didn't hear it.

"It is real Jazzy," Luke frowned. He crouched down in front of her, "We have that kind of love for you. You just have to try and have a little faith in us to show you it. We want to show you that we can give you that kind of love."

"I don't know," She whispered looking at the pillow.

"Just don't give up on love yet, okay?" He asked softly. "Can you try and maybe one day?"

"Maybe one day," She whispered and he smiled.

"We can take that, Cupcake. Thank you."

"Tired," She pouted.

"Lay down," he smiled softly. "Sleep, Cupcake, we'll protect you."

The next morning the team woke to tingling in their veins. "What's wrong, Baby?" North asked seeing her sitting up clutching his blanket tightly.

"It itches," She pouted as she started scratching by the cut on her leg.

"It shouldn't," Sean frowned. She looked at him worried then down at her leg, her breathing increased catching everyone's attention. "Can I take a look, please?"

Luke looked at North who nodded then opened the bond just slightly. Her thoughts started to race in, he knew it was wrong but if it helped then so be it.

Oh god something's happening, I'm getting an allergic reaction or infection or oh god sepsis oh god or what if I have to be forced to complete the bond, I'm not ready I don't want to be forced I don't want why can't things just go back oh god what if I never get to go back to work what if something's really wrong with me what if it's really serious oh god....

"Shhh Cupcake, you're working yourself up," Luke soothed as he looked at North. Both realized what was really going on. Luke took her hands and intertwined their fingers. "You're going to have a panic attack or anxiety attack. Shhh, you're okay."

"Everything will be okay Baby," North said rubbing her back. "Doc will make you all better, I promise everything will be okay."

"I can't," She gasped, "I...I..." Her breathing hitched as she tried to pull her hands out of Luke's grasp. She couldn't breathe, something was blocking her throat. She needed to pull it off. Her vision was starting to get spotty as her lungs burned.

"Jasmine," A voice she didn't really recognize said sternly. It felt familiar yet she couldn't exactly place it. "Look at me now." Her eyes automatically locked on to grey steel ones. "Good girl, now copy his breathing." Her hands were moved to a chest. "Focus on his breathing, nice and slow." She tried to copy the movement and after a few moments her airway opened a little more, "Good, keep copying his movement. You are doing so well, Darling."

Her lungs opened up and she could finally take a deep full breath, she let it out and the spots finally disappeared. She took another deep breath and broke away to find herself in North's lap with her hands on his chest. "North," She whispered. She burst into tears again.

"Oh Jasmine," He whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair. "It'll be okay, I promise."

"" She sobbed curling herself into him even more.

"Marc left to take care of something at his coffee shop and Gabe went to get you some more soft blankets," North explained. "They will be home soon, Baby."

"No..." She shook her head, "not...that...some..."

"Something else?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay, let's try and calm down and maybe Doc can figure out what's going on." She sniffled as he ran his fingers through her hair.

She suddenly tensed up, "Oh god," She whispered. "Let go North," She said tensely.

"What's wrong Jasmine?" Most of the team asked.

"Let go North," She pushed against him. "Let me go now."

He let go and she carefully got up then headed to her room. She shut the door and locked it. "Jasmine? Baby?" North asked knocking on the door.

"Leave me alone!" she said through clenched teeth as she rummaged through her bag. Fuck it wasn't in there. "Shit."

"What's wrong Cupcake?" Luke asked knocking. "Please let us help."

"I need it," She whispered as she searched her bag again. "I have to have it somewhere, I need it. I need it, I can't do this," She mumbled.

"Can't do what, Jasmine?" Luke asked twisting the doorknob. "Please let me in, please let me help."

"Leave...alone," she said through clenched teeth as she rocked on the bed. "Leave...alone."

"Shit, what the fuck is that?" Gabe asked as his whole body started stinging and tingling as he and Marc came into the house and rushed to the group.

"Something's going on with her," North growled. "Lucian, open that door. I'll deal with her anger." Luke opened the door and North rushed in. "Oh Baby," He sighed seeing her on the bed, nails pressed into the body pillow as she rocked back and forth with something in her mouth as she tried to control her breathing. He carefully got on the bed across from her and gently lifted her face. "Wow," he breathed watching her eyes shift back and forth from blue to amethyst to violet then back to blue. Her hair was darkening as all their veins being to burn and sweat beaded on her forehead.

Sean whispered, "She's trying to suppress."

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