Chapter 15

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"What are you talking about?" North asked as he spit out a mouthful of blood then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "I rejected her, there's no way there is a chance."

"Not necessarily," Kota shook his head. "Think carefully North, what exactly did you say?"

North clenched his fists and sighed. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and thought back, "I reject you as our beloved."

"Fucking asshole," Luke growled as he took a step toward North. "Fucking bastard."

"Enough," Silas said grabbing Luke from behind and tightening his grip. "I'm pissed too but we need to hear what Kota has to say. What if there really is a chance?"

Luke stared at North and glared. "I'm sorry Lucian," North said with defeat in his voice. "I was stupid and not thinking clearly. I am so sorry."

"If we lose her again, I will NEVER forgive you North," Luke growled. "Being a half-blood shouldn't matter one fucking bit. You shouldn't have made a decision that affects all of us. None of us care one fucking bit about her being partially mortal, you are the only one that seems to have a problem with it."

"We are going to lose her!" North shouted back. "One day we will lose her Lucian! What is the point of bonding with her if we are going to end up losing her? Tell me that! What is the point if we are only going end up heartbroken?"

"That's not actually true as well," Kota said as he rubbed his neck.

"What?" Luke and North asked at the same time.

"Why don't we take this conversation somewhere else?" Owen asked looking around. "I doubt Jasmine wants us discussing this out on her front yard where her neighbors could see and hear if they were to come outside."

"Let's go back to the hotel," Axel nodded.

"So am I the only one who is still curious about what the suppressant is for?" Brandon asked curiously.

"She's suppressing her vampire side," Sean sighed sadly. "She is trying to reject that part of her and be fully mortal. If suppressed for too long, her vampire will die and the gene will turn into a deadly disease and she will die slowly and painfully."

"So because North rejected her she decided to just become a mortal and that decision will kill her?" Brandon asked and shook his head, "Fuck, damn North."

"I'm sorry alright!" North threw his hands up and sighed, "I was stupid, I'm sorry!"

"Hey Doc?" Victor asked as they headed to their cars, "If by chance we were able to get her to stop taking the suppressants, will that make sure the gene doesn't go deadly?"

"Yes, she can recover and be a full healthy half blood," Sean nodded, "but I will need to check her out first to make sure the transition won't be too painful on her body."

"What are you talking about?" North asked confused.

"When half bloods suppress their vampire side then start to accept it again, the vampire gene basically turns them again," Sean sighed. "She has to turn then battle going back mortal as well, she can't be fully mortal or vampire and it takes quite a toll on her body. There have been cases where the person has died because they suppressed for too many years because the body and mind just couldn't handle it."

"You are telling us that she could die for not accepting who she is," Corey asked, "And she could also die for trying to accept who she is?"

"Yes," Sean nodded sadly. "There is a high possibility due to the number of years she took the pills if she started taking them after North rejected her."

"But she's also a doctor," Nathan pointed out, "She could also be taking care of herself so if she wanted to quit taking them it would be okay, right?"

"Forget long work shifts?" Raven asked and Nathan sighed.

"Yeah, I doubt she is taking care of herself even now," Sean frowned.

"Damn North," Marc shook his head.

"Sorry," North sighed for what seemed like millionth time.

"Let's just get back to the hotel," Owen said removing his keys from his pocket, "we can finish discussing everything that Kota has for us there."

They entered the restaurant that was in the hotel and sat down. They started looking over the menu and then ordered drinks. Once they got their drinks the waitress took their orders.

"So what do you know about half bloods?" Kota asked as he took a drink of his water.

"Jasmine?" Luke asked softly.

"Yeah she is a half blood," Nathan nodded.

"No," Luke shook his head and leaned over to look in the lobby some more, "Is that Jasmine?"

They turned to look and sure enough there was Jasmine standing in the lobby talking on the phone. Luke jumped over the booth and blended into the crowd to try and get closer to her without her knowledge. He saw her sit down in a chair facing the entrance and he sat in the group of chairs behind her. He picked up a newspaper and opened it.

"What do you mean he found my address?" Jasmine gasped softly. "You told me the address was erased from all records, it would be impossible to find." She took a breath and slowly let it out, "It's fine because I moved out a couple of days ago anyway since North and Lucian Taylor popped back up in my hospital. No I'm fine, I said I was fine. Just," She sighed and watched a few people enter and leave then said, "Just make sure I can make cash withdrawals and once I figure out where I'm going I'll let you know so you can get me a house and hospital to work at. I'm being careful, the Taylor brothers aren't getting back in my life. I'm okay, I promise. The Taylor brothers and the asshole won't find me. I've almost died multiple times from them, I refuse to die again. Yes, I swear I am okay right now. Alright, I'll hit the road and let you know where I end up. Yeah, see you."

She stood and headed to the elevators and once he was sure the coast was clear he rushed back over to the group, "pack your shit now, Gabe pack mine, we're leaving."

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