Chapter 26

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A loud creak filled her ears and Jasmine barely opened her eyes. A light pierced the darkness as loud footsteps surrounded her. "Are you ready to cooperate now Dr. Young or do you need more time in the darkness?"

"No please," she barely croaked out. "No more dark."

"Show me your vampire," the voice commanded.

"I have no vampire," She weakly pouted, "I have," she barely sucked in air, "no vampire."

"Guess another day in the dark will change your mind," He said as he stood, "I wonder just how many more days you can be stubborn. Five days doesn't seem to bother you, let's see if six is your number. I have to admit you've lasted longer than any other half blood. It's very interesting, I will definitely have to document about you, my little pet."

"Please no," She whimpered. "No more."

"Fine," He sighed as he picked her up. "I dare say I think you have lost weight Dr. Young," He chuckled as he flung her over his shoulder. "I guess your human side doesn't like going five days with no food or water. Let's see if some blood will bring out your vampire."

"No vampire," She muttered as he tossed her onto a hard wooden slab and began cuffing her. She was too weak to fight back at this point. All the sudden noises and bright lights were sending her mind into chaos after being in that pitch black sound proof room for so long. Her senses were in overdrive and she felt her mind slipping into madness no matter how much she tried to fight it. Things were starting to not make any sense anymore, things she knew should make sense but no longer were. What was happening to her? She didn't like this, she just wanted to go home but she didn't know where home was.

"How rude of me Dr. Young," The man smirked, "would you like a drink?"

"Drink?" She asked in confusion.

"Yes," He smiled and held out a cup with something red in it. He placed a straw in it and held it out to her mouth, "Take a drink Dr. Young, I know you must be thirsty."

She took a sip and immediately spit it out feeling the coppery metallic taste on her tongue. "No," She tried to shake her help. "No more."

"Interesting," He said holding her chin in his hand. "No change. A normal half blood would be driven mad with thirst by now."

"No vampire," She whispered meekly. "No vampire years."

"If you lost your vampire years ago you would be dead by now," He said releasing her head making it flop back and bounce off the wood forcing a groan out of her. He put some gloves on and picked up something but her vision was so blurry she couldn't tell what it was. Something touched her face and she let out a scream as the pain radiated through her body.

"No rapid healing," He mumbled as he sat the nightshade plant down and began writing. "Blood is same consistency and color as a mortal. Garlic has no affect nor does holy water. Very interesting indeed."

"Told you no vampire," She muttered. "Please, let me go."

"And where would you go Dr. Young?" He asked as he picked up knife, dipped it in something then barely touched her stomach. She hissed so he pressed in even more. "Your answer Dr. Young?"

"I don't know," She tried to cry but there was nothing left in her. "I don't know."

"I will stop this," He smirked, "You just have to show me your vampire. It's that simple."

"Please," She gasped as her body shook, "no vampire. I swear no vampire."

"But you had one at one time," He pressed as he withdrew the knife and pressed it over her heart.

"Yes," She screamed.

"How are you alive if you don't have a vampire anymore?" He asked pressed the tip into her chest making her blood start to pour out. "Tell me!"

"Stop please," She gasped, "please."

"Your vampire!" He screamed. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "What makes your vampire so special that everyone kept you a secret?"

"I'll tell you," She gasped knowing the tip of the knife was just millimeters from her heart, she could feel the life draining from her. Within minutes she would be dead so her secret didn't matter anymore. He was right, he would love to have her for his collection and she knew she would be. Might as well tell him, maybe he would keep her in one piece once he knew, she could only hope but it really didn't matter at this point. She was becoming numb and the darkness was starting to envelope her once more. "I am a special half blood. I was born during a special moon," She slurred as her vision started to fade. "I'm a purple moon half blood."

Darkness wrapped around her and for once she wasn't scared. She was at peace, and she welcomed it whole heartedly.

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