Chapter 53

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Jasmine woke up to her phone ringing. She groaned and shook her head, "No work day," she mumbled as she pulled the cover over her head.

"Okay Doll," Axel chuckled, "she doesn't want to go to work today Doc."

"She doesn't need to go in right now anyway," Sean said, "I'll handle this, give me her phone. Hello, Dr. Green speaking," she heard his voice trial off as he walked away.

"Proud of you for not going in Baby," North whispered as he sat beside her on the bed and started rubbing her back over the covers.

"Feel funny," She mumbled.

"Do you feel sick?" He asked concerned and she pulled the cover down then shook her head.

"Do you want blood?" Luke asked and she shook her head.

"Do you need to go little but can't?" Silas asked and she thought about it then shrugged.

"Can I show you something?" Gabe asked and she nodded. "It's okay if you want to stay in bed for a bit first," He said kneeling down in front of her but she shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. He smiled and gently picked her up making her wrap her legs around his waist.

"Here you go Princess," Victor said handing her the vampire Tigger. She smiled and gratefully took it.

"Here we are, Trouble," Gabe said as one of the guys opened another door. "Look."

She pulled back and gasped. The room was decorated in 100 Acres Woods. It was as if she stepped into the story. There was a map rug on the floor and in two corners were hideaways of Tigger's house and Eeyore's house. Eeyore's tent was large enough she curl up in it and the outside was painted as it if was made of sticks, just like Eeyore's house. There was an Eeyore inside of it she could lay with. Tigger's treehouse was lowered so she didn't have to actually climb but it was still decorated just like the outside of his house and the tire swing was replaced with a hanging chair for her to get in. The inside of Tigger's house held her books and really soft carpet where she could read if she wanted. There was a huge Tigger inside that she could curl up with also while the rest of the characters were throughout the room in their own little sections. (Pictures found on Google)

 (Pictures found on Google)

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"Oh my goodness," She gasped in excitement as she slid out of Gabe's arms and started looking at everything

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"Oh my goodness," She gasped in excitement as she slid out of Gabe's arms and started looking at everything. "It's perfect!" She hugged him tightly then went and got into Eeyore's tent while giggling then got out and went inside Tigger's house.

"Think she likes it," Nathan chuckled.

"I love it," She smiled as she came out and walked over to the bed. "Oh my goodness!" She squealed as she spotted the Tigger and Eeyore blanket laid out on it with the original version of the characters as well as the popular ones. "Where did you?"  (Pictures found on Google)

 "Where did you?"  (Pictures found on Google)

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"I have my ways," Gabe chuckled

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"I have my ways," Gabe chuckled. "I'm glad it's what you wanted."

"It's more than I could ever dream," She admitted as she ran her fingers over the classic stuff animals.

"Those will be put up so they can remain in good condition if you want," Owen said and she nodded.

"Thank you, that is best," She smiled so Silas walked over and carefully put them on a high shelf where she could still see them. "Thank you so much," She hugged each of them tightly.

"Do you still feel funny?" North asked and she nodded.

"Can we try something?" Brandon asked and she nodded.

"Go put this on and we'll try something," Gabe said handing her a bag.

She frowned but headed to the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later in an Eeyore footed zip up pajamas even with ears on the hood. She blushed when they all grinned. "Here," Raven smirked as he held out a Tigger pacy. She took it then the Tigger bottle that Marc handed her.

"Come on let's watch some movies, Little One," Corey smiled as he picked her up. She nodded as they headed to the media room. Victor put in The Tigger Movie and they got comfortable. They could tell she was finally able to slip as she began humming along with the movie. This is what she needed and they were so glad she allowed them to help her get to that point. They had to admit they were kind of shocked she decided not to go in, they were fully expecting her to just throw herself into work after everything that happened the day before so for her not to and want to stay with them and now this showed them that they were making huge progress in their relationship.

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