Chapter 18

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"What exactly are you saying Dakota?" Luke asked as he sat up straight and looked at him. "That in order to reject a beloved properly names have to be used?"

"I'm saying," Kota shrugged, "that in all the research that I have been doing every single article that I have found includes full names."

"So North didn't reject her?" Gabe asked and Kota shrugged.

"I don't know for sure. I'm just saying that from what I have read, there have been few rejections but when they do happen the full names have been included."

"What about what North was saying about her being half blood and us still losing her?" Nathan asked.

Kota sighed, "There wasn't much on that either, in fact there was less about that then there was on rejections. But what I was able to find stated that half bloods are rare since the mortal mothers hardly ever survive the pregnancy."

"We knew that," Brandon said confused, "Everyone knows that half bloods are rare."

"But did you know that half blood has a choice to make when they meet their beloved? Or in the very rare case beloveds?" Kota asked.

"What are you talking about?" Owen asked as Sean nodded.

Kota pulled out a well worn leather book out of his bag and opened it up, "If a half blood vampire survives birth, the half blood will stay in a stance of unfinished transition until they meet their beloved. For even half bloods have beloveds, their other half of their soul. Once in a purple moon there will be a half blood that will be bound to multiple beloveds. If a half blood survives birth, it will be at risk of becoming the target of hunters and even pure bloods that look down on half bloods, they typically do not live past becoming teenagers in human years but in rare occurrences they have been known to be hidden or somehow survive into adulthood. Once they meet their beloved they have a choice, they can remain mortal or fully transition. If they chose to remain mortal and reject their vampire the gene will break down and they will become sick then eventually die."

"We knew that as well," Sean said confused.

"Let me finish," Kota shook his head. "Just remember don't kill the messenger." He cleared his throat then continued, "On the rare occasion that the half blood that was born during a purple moon survives into adulthood and then meets their beloveds they will have the ability to go back and forth between mortal and vampire but only after being claimed by all their beloveds. After they are claimed by their beloveds a tattoo will appear and will only be complete upon being claimed by their last beloved. Once being claimed by all their beloveds the brand will be complete and the half blood will have the ability to shift between mortal and vampire with no repercussions. If they are rejected prior to being claimed they can still have the choice to shift or reject their vampire but if they accept then later reject and decide to become mortal the gene will break down slower than normal half bloods and will be ten times more painful. If they are not claimed by all their beloveds, for example one rejects the half blood but another accepts, they will still have the choice to transition but they will suffer if their rejected beloved chooses to claim another to love and will forever feel like a part of them is missing. All known cases of rejection have been documented to either chose death by mortality or suicide."

Kota shut the book and Axel sighed, "So not only do we have her believing North rejected her we also have to worry about hunters out looking for her because she is a half blood? Does she even know she has multiple beloveds?"

"I don't know," Luke shrugged. "I don't even know what her vampire looks like. I didn't even know she was a half blood."

"Her eyes went from blue to amethyst to violet and her hair went from being honey blonde to black," North muttered as he tried to take everything in.

"Fucking beautiful," Gabe groaned.

"If we are able to claim her then she will be able to transition and no longer be a mortal?" Corey asked.

"She will be able to be both without the painful transition whenever she wants," Victor said, "but if some of us do not accept it, she will suffer in immense pain forever."

"I'm not going to reject her again," North glared, "I just didn't want to love her then lose her."

"And look what happened because you didn't discuss it with us," Luke threw back at him.

"So do you think this person that she is running from besides us is a hunter?" Brandon asked trying to get the brothers off that situation.

"I kill," Raven growled, "I professional Russian."

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