Chapter 1

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"Dr. Young, there's a new patient in room 27," Ashlee said as she handed a dark-haired woman, with blue eyes a clipboard. "Multiple stab wounds."

"Shit, okay," Jasmine Young said as she flipped through the papers on the clipboard. She bit back a gasp when the name on the paper stared back at her. This had to be wrong, it couldn't be, not after all these years. She casted a quick look into the room as a nurse went in to check on the patient and sure enough it was him. She took a deep breath then locked away her emotions and slid open the door. "Mr. Taylor, got into a fight, did we?" She asked as she checked his pulse.

"Baby?" North asked in shocked. He had to be daydreaming, it couldn't be her after all these years.

"My name is Dr. Young," Jasmine said remaining emotionless. "Now can you remove your shirt so I can treat your wounds, please?"

"Sure Baby," North nodded and groaned in pain as he removed his shirt.

"Please refrain from saying that," She said as she set the clipboard down. "This may hurt," she said as she started to stitch up the wounds and he refrained from wincing in pain. She gently pushed on the wound to check the stitches and then applied a bandage. She did the same with the remaining wounds. "Everything looks like it is healing just fine. I will prescribe you some antibiotics and pain relievers. If they start to get red and oozing,"

"Then I will check him for infection," A tall blonde haired, light green-eyed man interrupted as he came in with twelve other men following behind.

"And you are?" Jasmine asked suspiciously.

"Dr. Sean Green," Sean smirked and showed her his badge. "And you are?"

"Dr. Jasmine Young," Jasmine said sternly.

"Baby," North groaned at the same time.

"Long time no see Cupcake," Luke said pushing his way through the group.

"Lucian," Jasmine nodded curtly. "If you already have a doctor, then why are you here, North Taylor?"

"I was in town running some errands," North growled. "I didn't think Doc could be here in time."

"Well, I will get you discharged since you will be in the care of another doctor." She said picking up the clipboard. "I assume you don't need me to go into detail over his wounds?"

"No," Sean shook his head, "I just need a look at his information, so I know what prescriptions to pick up and where to pick them up at, thank you."

"I will just have them written up and you can have them filled back wherever you are," she said as she handed over the clipboard.

"Baby?" North asked nervously.

"I asked you to refrain from saying that," Dr. Young sighed in frustration, "once again you are not listening so I'm demanding. Quit calling me that. You lost that right..." She took a deep breath, collected herself and cleared her throat, "I will go get your discharge papers. Excuse me," the men separated, and she walked through them to the door.

"Jazzy," Luke said cautiously.

"What Lucian?" She snapped then cleared her throat. "What can I do for you Lucian?"

"It is nice to see you again," he said softly. "I'm glad to see you got your wish."

"Thank you, Lucian," She nodded then left the room.

"So, what the fuck was that about?" Gabriel Coleman asked.

"I think it's safe to say that was North's long lost love," Victor Morgan said as they looked at North.

"So, what happened?" Dr. Sean Green asked as he looked over the clipboard.

"Mission went wrong," North growled.

"Anyone else hurt?" Owen Blackbourne asked.

"Not from our side," North shook his head.

"Why haven't you told us about your sexy hot ex doctor?" Marc Weiland asked.

"Because there is nothing to say," Dr. Jasmine Young said coming back into the room. "Years back I thought we had something, he made it very abundantly clear that I was wrong. Now, Dr. Green was it?" She asked and Sean nodded, "Here is all the information. He is officially discharged, excuse me I have work to do. I would say it was nice to see you again North Taylor, but unlike you I don't lie."

"I'm sorry Jasmine," North sighed in defeat.

"I don't believe you," She said coldly as she stopped at the door. She turned to face him, "Now follow your own advice, leave this town and move on with your life."

She walked out the door and Gabe let out a low whistle, "Fucking hell North, just what the hell did you do to that girl?"

"Leave it alone Gabe," Luke said shaking his head after looking at his distraught brother. For once Gabe followed Luke's advice and remained silent all the way back to their house.

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