Chapter 50

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Gabe knocked on the door then opened it when he didn't hear anything. "Hey Trouble, can I detangle your hair?" He asked softly as he walked into the art room.

"Mmmm," She hummed as she rocked back and forth while clutching the pillow to her. She refused to look at him.

"Trouble?" He asked kneeling in front of her with concern. "Everything okay?"

"Mmmm," She kept rocking and Gabe gently touched her chin and lifted her face.

"Wow," He whispered watching her eyes go back and forth from blue to purple and back to blue. Her roots were darkened than normal as well. "So fucking beautiful." He cleared his throat and sat down completely instead of kneeling. "It's okay Trouble, you can change if you need to. You don't have to hide her away, let that pretty little vampire out."

"Mmmm," She shook her head.

"Okay," He nodded.

Get up here now. She's trying to suppress again.

"Hey Jazzy," Luke spoke softly as he came over and sat beside Gabe. "Why don't you let her out for just a bit and then you can shift back later? How does that sound?" She shook her head and he frowned, "why not?" She growled and Luke smiled. "You aren't going to hurt us Cupcake, I promise. Come here." She growled and he chuckled. "Come here my pretty little vampire," he coaxed gently.

"I big" She growled as she pounced on him and he chuckled. She shook her head and curled her fingers, "Rawr." She looked so adorable in her black cat leggings and black shirt that had fangs on it that said Beware I Bite. He found it very comical at the moment. (Pictures found on Google)

 (Pictures found on Google)

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"Oh so scary," he smiled as he helped her get more comfortable in his lap and wrapped her legs around his back

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"Oh so scary," he smiled as he helped her get more comfortable in his lap and wrapped her legs around his back. "Let me see those fangs."

"Rawr," She growled and playfully nipped at him.

"Rawr," He growled back shifting so his fangs slipped down as well. He playfully nipped at her back. "Gabe has big fangs too, want to see?" She nodded and Gabe shifted as well.

"Rawr," He chuckled as she ran her fingers along them.

"Does our pretty little vampire want to bite?" Victor asked as the rest of the group came in and sat down around her.

"I big," She growled, "Rawr."

"Rawr," Victor growled back as they shifted for her. She crawled over to each of them and ran her fingers along their teeth.

"Careful Baby," North said as she pressed her fingertip to the edge of his tooth. "They are sharp."

"Rawr," She meekly roared as she pouted.

"What's the matter?" He frowned, "what happened to our big scary girl?" Her stomach growled and he chuckled, "Do you want some blood Baby?"

"No," She whispered as she tensed up and her eyes became glazed.

"Don't do that, Baby," North shook his head, "Don't fight it. If you want our blood you can have it."

"No," She shook her head.

"Hey, look at me Baby," He said cupping her head gently. "We won't drink from you while you drink from us if you don't want us to. I promise."

She stared up at him then nodded. He smiled and held her hips then bit back a groan as she slowly licked his neck. She kissed his neck then started sucking. Her fangs descended and pierced his skin. She let slip a soft moan as she began drinking. After a few minutes she pulled away and Raven picked her up.

"Bite Kitten," he demanded and she smiled as she licked her lips.

She drank from all of them then fell asleep while holding the vampire Tigger stuff animal.

"That was fucking adorable," Gabe whispered as he covered her up and slid a pacy into her mouth while removing her thumb from her mouth. "Her little rawr was so fucking cute."

"It was," Luke whispered as he turned on the nightlight.

"Do you think she will remain little when she wakes up?" Victor asked.

"Hope so," Raven chuckled. "Cute little vampire."

"Even if she doesn't," Owen said making sure the door remained open, "we need to make sure that she understands it's nothing to be embarrassed about. We accept her any way she chooses to show us. If she goes back to human that is fine as well."

"Just make sure her work phone remains turned off," Sean said smiling softly as he ran his fingers over where she bit him. "She needs the time off."

"We don't have much little stuff," Kota said as he opened the cabinets and looked around. "We don't have any bottles or sippy cups or small utensils if she even uses them. I think that's our only pacy as well. We never got new ones now that I think about it. Do we even have Tigger things or is that the only one we have?"

"She likes Tigger and Eeyore," North said as he ran his fingers over her bite marks. "They're her favorites from the group. She use to have a blanket but I don't know what happened to it. I didn't see it at her place, did you Luke?"

"No," Luke shook his head. "I don't think so."

Gabe smirked, "I'm on it."

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