Chapter 21

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Jasmine leaned against the tree and sighed while closing her eyes. Taking a breath she opened her eyes and looked around. Spotting a group of people walking by she quickly joined them making sure she crouched down and quickly entered the first shop she spotted. Rushing to the bathroom she entered and locked the door. Once she was able to gather her wits she took a deep breath and reentered the shop. She noticed that everyone was busy so she darted to the back and slipped out the back door. Spotting a ladder, she glanced around then climbed it. Once she was on the roof she crouched down and smirked watching them look around for her. She backed up to the other side of the building then jumped to the next building until she was able to get back to her hotel. She glanced around then sighed, now how was she supposed to cross the street and reach her hotel?

"Shit," She muttered as she saw the group approaching. Thankfully the building she was on wasn't a flat roof so she was able to sit down and the raised wall covered her. She closed her eyes and strained to listen. She needed to know when they were gone so she could get down and get back to her hotel.

"How could she fucking disappear?" One of the men she didn't recognize asked. "If she is suppressing her vampire she shouldn't be able to just fucking disappear!"

"She is hiding from us Gabe," Lucian said. "She has had years of practicing. We will find her again. We need to, we need to make sure she is okay. Whoever she is running from is still out there."

"Do you think it is a hunter?" Another man asked that she didn't recognize.

"I don't know," Luke said sadly. "I just want to make sure she is okay."

"We need to figure out a way to get her to understand that we are all her beloveds," someone else said.

"Well it would easier if North hadn't tried to reject her," Someone else said. "Maybe then she would be open to believing she has more than one beloved."

"I fucked up, alright?" North growled. She would recognize that growl anywhere. "I know it. I know I fucked up, I regret it, alright? I would take it back in a heartbeat if I could. I'm just glad Kota found out that it wasn't a true rejection. We still have a chance."

She bit back a gasp. What did he mean it wasn't a true rejection? She felt the pain, she felt her heart and soul shatter into a million pieces. She was rejected, she was. This Kota person didn't know what he was talking about. She knew what she went through.

"Let's just try and figure out where she will go," someone else said, "I want to make sure the suppressants she is taking aren't doing damage to her body." He sounded like the doctor that tried to make her stay in their place after she passed out.

She banged her head on the wall, she needed to take that suppressant now that she thought about it. She really didn't feel like going through the almost changes again, and while she thought about it she really didn't know where her mouth guard was. She knew it was in one of her bags, but she really didn't want to go searching for it. She needed to get back to her room now. She turned and barely peeked over the wall. They were just standing in the middle of the road, fuck she needed to figure something out.

"Come on, let's get inside," one of them said. "We are right next door, she has to go back to her hotel eventually. We can figure out our next steps inside."

They started to head toward their hotel and she spotted her chance. She crept down and as a group of people were passing by she took the opportunity to dart across and enter her hotel. She waved to Ralph and headed for the elevator. Once she reached her room, she swallowed the pills she need and plopped down on her bed. She laid back and covered her eyes with her arm.

She needed to figure out her next plan, but she needed sleep first. Yeah, that was it. First thing in the morning she will figure out her next step, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Jasmine rolled over and tensed. There was someone in her room with her. She opened her eyes and sat up. "Fucking hell," She cursed when she saw who were in her room.

He sat forward from where he was leaning back in the chair and smiled softly, "Morning Cupcake."

The other one leaned forward and placed his arms on his knees, clasped his hands together then sighed sadly, "Morning Baby."

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