Chapter 16

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"So, you are telling me that she is running from someone else as well?" North asked as he followed behind Raven's car.

"Apparently so," Luke's voice filled North's car from the speakers.

"Just what in the hell as this girl been through?" Gabriel's voice joined the conversation. "Goddamn Raven that was a fucking red light!"

"Da," Raven chuckled, "I no lose Kitten."

"You will lose her if you end up in a fucking car crash or end up getting us in a goddamn car crash!" Gabriel shouted causing Raven to burst into laughter.

"Do you think it's just an ex that's after her?" Nathan asked concerned.

"I don't know," Luke said as he followed behind Raven. "She just said he found her address that wasn't suppose to be found and she almost died from us and this guy. Whoever she was talking to is going to help her out with getting her a house and hospital to work at once she figures out where she is going. Right now she is just on the run."

"Well, we won't lose her again," North growled, "we will help her get away from this asshole."

"And then what North?" Luke growled, "What is the plan after that? Or did you forget that she currently hates your guts? How are you even going to get her to agree to letting us help her with this other person that she is currently running from? What exactly is the plan when we do get to wherever she is going? Right now we are currently chasing a woman that wants nothing to do with us and is hurting herself because of your stupidity."

"Fuck, I know I messed up Luke, I get it," North growled as he slammed his hand on the steering wheel. "I don't know what the plan is, I just know I have to make sure she is okay."

"I know North," Lucian sighed, "we will make sure she is okay somehow. We will figure all this out."

"So since we didn't get to talk about it before," Corey said slowly, "Are we going to let Kota discuss what he knows now?"


Jasmine pulled up to the new hotel and turned off her Camry. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath, held it for as long as she could then slowly let it out. She raised her hand off the steering wheel and realized it was shaking. Shit, she needed to get inside. She grabbed her bags and purse then headed inside. After entering her room she locked the door and passed out once her head hit the pillow.


"Kitten," Raven growled silencing everyone. "Hotel in."

"She's checking into a hotel?" Corey asked as he maneuvered into another lane.

"Da," Raven said parking his car. "I get details."

"I will," Luke said as he pulled up next to Raven's car. "We don't need you scaring them."

Raven sighed and rolled his eyes as he followed behind Luke. He knew within moments that the rest of the team would be pulling up into the hotel.

Luke walked up to the counter and smiled, "Excuse me, could you possibly tell me which room Dr. Jasmine Young just booked?"

The lady looked up at him and blushed as he smirked at her. She typed away and frowned slightly, "I'm sorry but we don't have anyone under the name Jasmine Young booked in this hotel."

"Are you sure?" Luke asked confused, "She just booked a room less then ten minutes ago."

She typed away again and shook her head, "I'm sorry Sir, but I have searched twice, there is no Jasmine Young in this establishment."

"She would have paid with cash," Victor said as he came up to the counter and flashed her a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry," She blushed again, "If she paid with cash then she most likely gave us a different name. That tends to happen frequently with our customers that pay with cash. Could there be another name you would like for us to search under?"

"Have you been working here all day?" Victor asked and she nodded.

"Yes Sir, I have been here all morning and afternoon," She admitted smiling at him.

"Then you would have seen this woman," Luke smiled as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his photo gallery. He found the picture he had of her and handed the woman his phone. "This is Dr. Jasmine Young who just checked in. Can you tell me which room she is in?"

"I'm sorry Sir," A man said as he came up and stood behind the desk clerk. "We respect our customer's privacy. We will not release our client's information unless we are given permission and currently we do not have any authorization to release anyone's information. You will not find what you seek at this establishment. Have a good day."

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