Chapter 5

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"Why are you so damn adamant Lucian?" She growled in frustration. "I said no and I mean it! I don't want anything to do with your brother. He told me to get out of his life so I did! Now that he knows I'm back he thinks it's okay to show up in my life and start ruining it? Well too damn bad, I'm telling him the same thing he told me, stay out of my life!"

"I'm sorry Jazzy," Lucian sighed, "I don't know what went on between the two of you, he never told me, but I still want to be your friend Cupcake. Please Jasmine, I have missed you so damn much these past years. I don't really care what happened between you and North, I mean I do because he hurt you but I care about you, I always have. I promise I won't tell North or any of them anything about us being friends. I won't tell them anything, I swear it. Please Cupcake."

"I'm sorry Lucian," She sighed exhaustedly. "If you weren't his brother I would totally be your friend, but I just can't because of him. I won't come between the two of you. You said it yourself, if that group you called family knew you were here it would cause chaos and I just won't be the reason for it. Goodbye Lucian," She kissed his cheek and got in her car. He knocked on the window, she rolled down the window and sighed, "What Lucian?"

He handed her a piece of paper, "Please just let me know you made it home safe and sound, please?" He asked and she glared at him, "I swear on triple chocolate cupcakes I won't tell North or anyone else if you text me. It will be our pinky promise secret, promise promise."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Goddamn you. Maybe Lucian," she said and he nodded.

"I'll take that," He said and stepped away from the car. He got in his car and watched her drive away, "God damn you North," he whispered as he started his car and started to leave the parking lot. He dreaded going home but he knew he needed to go ahead and get the fight over with. He really didn't care at this point, he just wanted to be back in Jasmine's life anyway he could and if it meant keeping secrets from the team right now then so be it.

He pulled up to the mansion and sighed as the rest of the team came out on the porch. "Where the fuck were you?" North growled as he walked up to them.

"Out doing something," Luke sighed tiredly. "I'm going to bed."

"You aren't going to tell us where you were?" Kota asked confused. This wasn't like Luke at all. "What's going on Luke? This isn't like you."

"I am tired Kota," Luke shook his head, "I want to go lay down."

"You were gone all day," Axel said softly. "We were worried."

"I'm sorry but as you can see, I am fine," Luke said, "Now I need to go lay down."

"Did you at least eat something today?" North asked and he nodded. "Are you hungry?"

Luke sighed again and turned to look at them, "No I'm not."

"Luke," Gabe said softly. "What the fuck man? You couldn't even reach out to me?"

Luke sighed and felt bad seeing the hurt in Gabe's eyes. "I'm sorry Gabe, but I have the right to my own privacy and right now I don't feel like telling any of you anything. You have your secrets and I have mine. Now I'm going to bed." He headed back up the stairs.

"Lucian," Sean called making Luke stop and turn to look at him. "Did you go see Dr. Young?"

"Good night everyone," Luke said as he headed up the stairs and to his room. He locked the door and sat on the bed. He sighed and flopped back to stare up at the ceiling. Someone knocked on the door but Luke just ignored it. A few minutes later someone else knocked and he just laid there. The next few hours and days were going to be long and hard but worth it.

His phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket. I'm home. He smiled and sent a smiley face emoji then hid the text. Yeah, it will be so worth it.

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