Chapter 25

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"Who the fuck was that?" Gabe asked as he stared at the spot Jasmine was moments ago. One second she was there with some fucking creepy as hell guy and the moment he blinked the both of them were gone. "Where the fuck did they go?"

"Fuck if I know," Luke seethed as Sean popped his wrist back where it needed to be. "Fuck that hurt," He said shaking his hand then squeezing his fingers to make sure they worked just fine. "I'm going to kill that guy."

"Me first," Raven growled.

"Get in line," North fumed. "Who the fuck was that guy?"

"I think he was a hunter," Kota said as he cleaned his glasses.

"But I thought hunters despised half bloods," Nathan said in confusion. "I thought they got off on the thrill of killing half bloods."

"Most do," Kota nodded, "But half bloods born during a purple moon supposedly have different blood than normal half bloods. It's supposedly more intoxicating due to them having more than one beloved and being able to change back and forth. With it being more intoxicating, if the rumors are true, it's plausible that hunters would want to store that kind of blood."

"But wouldn't it be wiser to keep her alive so her body keeps making blood?" Sean asked as they watched Axel try to inspect where Jasmine just was. "If they want her blood then why kill her?"

"Because hunters aren't very smart," Nathan scoffed.

"Do you think that was the guy she was originally running from?" Corey asked nervously.

"I thought we knew all the hunters," Victor said, "I don't recognize him."

"I don't know who he is," Kota admitted, "But whoever he is, he is powerful and older than us."

"Her phone and purse are in her car," Brandon said slamming her car door shut, "We can't track her that way. How are we supposed to find her now?"


Jasmine groaned as he tossed her into a cage.

"You know I have to admit, I am a little disappointed in you Dr. Young," He said as he locked the cage and stuck the key in his pocket. "I was expecting you to give me more of a chase with you being a doctor and all I figured you were smart."

"Sorry," She groaned, "Let me go and I'll run again. I'll give you a better chase."

"Nope," He shook his head and wagged his finger at you, "That's not how this works."

"Then how does this work?" She asked touching the bars then flinching as they burned her. "Really nightshade on the bars?"

"Yep," He smirked. "Makes it more fun for me." He grabbed her chin and pulled her closer, just millimeters from the bars, "Now show me your vampire. What makes you so special that you have somehow survived all these years?"

"I have no vampire," She said through clenched teeth.

"You obviously do if these bars affect you," He growled and tightened his grip. "You wouldn't be running from me if you had no vampire. You obviously know who I am and what I am capable of. Now show me your vampire."

"She's gone," Jasmine admitted, "I've been using suppressants for so long that I no longer have a vampire. I still have some traits but nothing of importance. I have no vampire."

"Let's just see about that," He chuckled as he pulled her closer and smiled evilly as she screamed in pain from the poison burning her face. He eventually let her go and shoved her into the back of the cage. "Let me know when you are read to tell me the truth," He said as he walked into the darkness.

She whimpered as she slowly sat up. Gasping when she looked around, she forced back tears seeing other cages with bones and clothes in them. Looking around some more she found mummified corpses nailed to crosses some with weapons still in them. She thought she was doing good staying away from him but then she got notice that he caught wind of her, and she knew her identity was no longer safe. She thought her suppressants would keep her safe from him as well as help her move on from North Taylor but she was just being naïve. She should have done better to protect herself, but she now knew she was just being ridiculous, no one could hide from him once he set his mind to hunting them down. Fear filled her as she looked at all the different ways he experimented on these half bloods. She threw up as she faced reality that she could very easily become one more of his collection. There was no telling what he would do to her once he found out just exactly what kind of half blood she was. He was called the Macabre Half Blood Collector for a reason.

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