Chapter 9

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"Hey Jazzy," Luke rushed over to her as she started to come down the stairs but he rushed up them to prevent her. "You should be back in bed resting."

"I should be home!" She tried to move past him. "I need to go home Lucian."

"But you need rest Jazzy," He pouted. "You are exhausted."

"I can rest at home," She glared at him giving in when she knew he wouldn't let her move. "Take me back to my car now Lucian Taylor."

"But your car isn't at the hospital Jasmine," Luke shook his head softly.

"Yes it is," She continued to glare at him. She crossed her arms and sighed in frustration.

"No it isn't Jazz," He looked at her confused. "I searched all the parking when I first got there. That's why I was waiting to see if you were there are not because I didn't see your car."

"My car is there," She huffed, "You must not have looked hard enough....." She trailed off when she remembered where she parked. "That's right, I remember now, I got an Uber because it was acting up and I needed to rush there for the emergency. Where's my stuff? I'll just get another Uber to take me back to my place."

"What's wrong with your car Baby?" North asked. "Brandon and I can fix it for you."

"No," She glared down at him. "I have a mechanic I trust."

"Okay Jasmine," North nodded not liking it one bit but didn't want to upset her even more.

"Jazzy," Luke said watching her closely.

"What Lucian?" She asked snapping then sighing to get her emotions under control again. "What is it Lucian?" She didn't like how he was looking at her.

"You didn't take an Uber did you?" He point blank asked.

"Ye..yes I did," She nodded. "I already told you, I needed to quickly get to the hospital and my car was acting up so I just took an Uber. How else was I able to be there and yet you couldn't find my car?"

"Because your other car is there," He said as the pieces fit together, "You have more than one car, don't you Cupcake?"

"You don't know what you are talking about," She glared at him. She heard her phone go off and she mentally sighed in relief as she followed the sound to find it on a charger on the nightstand. She picked up the phone and paled at the notification.

"Everything okay?" She jumped and quickly turned back to the group that was coming into the room.

"Yeah," She quickly swiped the notification away. "Just a reminder to take my vitamins, that's all."

"At elven at night?" North asked causing her to glare at him again.

"If you must know, yes because that is usually when I have the time to actually take them Mr. Nosy," She tried to keep everything in check. "I really must get back to the hospital, it has my spare stuff there in my office."

"What do you take?" Sean asked. "I have almost everything, I can give you some for now. You really must rest and let your body recover. You can't be the best if you aren't at your best."

"Don't try and doctor me, I know what you are trying to do," She glared at him. "I can recover once I get my car from the hospital and go home."

"So you do have another car and it's at the hospital," Luke grinned causing her to slightly growl at him.

"Goddamn you Lucian," She said through clenched teeth.

Her phone went off again and she tensed up for a second then forced herself to be calm. "Is that the hospital trying to get you to come in?" Sean asked. "If they need help, I can help them so you can rest."

"No, it's fine," She shook her head. "It's just other reminders I have for upcoming surgeries I will be assisting on, that's all."

"Okay," he said not believing her. "How about we get something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry," She shook her head. "I want to go home."

"I'm sorry but I can't allow it right now," Sean shook his head. "You passed out from exhaustion. I can't allow you to leave until I know you have caught up on some much needed sleep and got nutrients in you that you won't pass out again. Until you are healthy I can't allow you to leave for your own safety."

"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief and Sean nodded, "Fucking hell," She muttered as she went back into the room that held her stuff and slammed it shut then locked it. "What the fuck am I going to do now?"

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