Chapter 51

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Jasmine woke up and looked around the room was completely dark and she didn't like it. She rubbed her eyes and then got out of bed. She walked down the hall and found a room with a light on. The door was partially open and she pushed it open even more.

"Hey Jasmine," Kota smiled softly as he closed his book. She pouted, making her pacy fall out of her mouth and he rushed to her side. He picked up her pacifier and asked "What's wrong?"

"Dar," She whimpered. "Too dar,"

"What?" He asked confused and she pulled on his hand so he followed her back to her room. "Oh, I'm so sorry Little One, I'll have someone fix it right now, okay?" He asked when he noticed what was wrong.

Can someone come fix her nightlight? It went out and she's scared of the dark.

I'm on it Victor replied.

She pulled on his hand slightly and he looked down at her, "Upsie?"

"Of course," He smiled as he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and held her vampire Tigger close between her chest and his as she laid her head in the crook of his neck. "Want me to read you a story, Little One?" She nodded and he smirked as he carried her into the library. "A Pooh Bear story, perhaps?" She nodded again. "Here you go," He said as he rubbed the pacy between her lips. She took it and he smiled then kissed her forehead as he grabbed the book he was looking.

He sat in the rocking chair and after she got comfortable in his lap, he opened the book and started reading to her. Halfway through the book she shifted slightly and removed the pacy but still kept holding the Tigger stuff animals. Kota just kept reading while rocking.

"Kota?" She asked softly so he stopped reading the story.


"Is this—"

"I love this," He interrupted. She remained silent, "Do you want me to keep reading?"


"Gladly," He smiled and opened the book back to where he was.

After a few more moments she asked softly, "Kota?"

"Yes?" He could tell she was trying to gather up courage to ask something. Her mind was racing but none of them wanted to push through the bond and invade her privacy. They knew she hadn't realized the bond was open, but they still stayed out of it.

"North and Lucian are pure blood, are you pure blood also?" She asked while playing with Tigger's paws.

"Yes," He admitted honestly. "All of us are."

"So if you pure bloods, then why..." She trailed off trying to think of how to say what she wanted to know. She sighed then just said it, "Why do you eat human food? Why did North have a pulse when I treated him? How will it work if I decide to stay human? What if my problems become too much? What if I can't change—"

"One question at a time," he chuckled shutting the book. "We knew there was a possibility our beloved could possibly be half blood since it is becoming more acceptable that purebloods have human beloveds. We had a discussion when we realized that our beloved bond wasn't complete after all of us came together and tried to complete the bond and it didn't take. We realized that our missing beloved could possibly be human or half and so we decided we would start eating human food so if our missing beloved was human or half then we could eat meals with them as a way to bond with them. We don't have to eat human food but we actually like to because it brings us closer to you. It's actually partially why Luke and Marc have their bakery and coffee business. Just in case our beloved was human or half blood. As for North having a pulse when you first treated him, we have the ability to switch to human when we need to but only for a very short amount of time. He probably did that when he was making sure he wasn't losing too much blood from the fight he was in. We have no problem with you being human, we do hope you will accept your vampire so we can have forever with you but we respect that it is your decision. Since we have completed the beloved bond you have slowed down your human traits so it will take longer for you to age. We want forever with you but it's your choice, Ten. As for your little traits, we love it. We love every part of you. It was so cute and made our day when you were little. Reading is my favorite thing to do and being able to read to you just," he sighed, "was the best thing ever besides you completing our bond."

"Tasting my blood wasn't the best thing?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Nope," He ran his fingers through her hair, "sure your blood is amazing but spending time with you tops it a hundred fold. I can live without ever tasting your blood again but I can't live without you now that we have found you."

"But I'm horrible to live with," She pouted, "I leave a mess wherever I go. I never put my shoes where they are supposed to go, I am constantly looking for my keys, I leave my clothes on the floor, forget to wash my clothes, leave them in the washer or dryer for days, hardly ever finish what I start—"

Kota chuckled, "That's nothing Ten, I promise," he interrupted. "There are fourteen of us, we make messes also, but we also don't mind pick up after one another. Gabe loves fashion so he takes care of our clothes, I promise your little quirks won't bother us. But if you aren't ready to full move in with us that's fine, we can keep doing these stay overs until you are ready. We will go at your pace with everything to earn your trust."

"Thank you," She whispered as she hugged the Tigger stuff animal.

"You are very welcome," He smiled, "now would you like for me to continue reading?"

"Yes, please," She smiled gratefully, and he kissed her forehead.

"As you wish."

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