Chapter 52

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"Dr. Young?"

Jasmine turned away from the surgeon she was talking to and saw Uncle standing there looking very determined. "Excuse me," she said then walked over to Uncle. "Hi Uncle."

"I need to speak with you privately," he said tensely.

"Okay," She nodded nervously and motioned towards the hall where her office was.

"No, you need to go with me to the house," He shook his head.

"I have surgery though," she said confused.

"It's being changed," he explained. "Gather your things."

"Okay," she frowned in confusion. "What's going on, Uncle?"

"Just gather your things, Jasmine," he shook his head. "This is not a conversation to be had at the hospital. You need to be home."

"Which home?" She asked as she gathered her purse and keys.

"I'll drive," He said taking the keys from her.

"You're scaring me Uncle," she admitted after a few moments of silence as she followed him out to the parking lot. She got in the car and buckled up.

"It's a serious conversation," he admitted. "You will need to be with your men. You will need their support for what I have to tell you."

The rest of the ride was silent and when he pulled up to the mansion she saw that everyone was waiting on the porch.

"Do you know what's going on?" She asked as she walked up to them.

"No," Owen admitted. "He just called and said all of us needed to be home for you."

"Go change into comfortable clothes," Uncle said as they walked inside.

"Come on, I'll help you," Gabe said as he gently put his hand on her lower back.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to get in trouble?" She mumbled as they climbed the stairs to her room.

"We all feel that fucking way Trouble," he chuckled as they entered her room.

They came down a few minutes later with her in some black leggings and Naruto tee shirt. Once everyone was comfortable in the living room Uncle stood in front of the fireplace and cleared his throat.

"There was an internal investigation on Andrew and August," he said as he cleaned his glasses. "They have been apprehended."

"What?" she asked sitting completely up.

"The council and I looked into the medical reports on Isabelle from the night of her death, as well as all previous police reports."

"Police reports?" Jasmine asked confused. "She filed police reports?"

"Apparently in recent years yes she did," Uncle said as he took a deep breath. "There was also video footage of her arriving at the diner asking for me last month but I was not there and the hostess did not take a message. The only way I found out was she had mentioned visiting the diner in a police report."

"She tried to reach you?" Jasmine gasped.

"I'm so sorry Jasmine," Uncle shook his head. "I honestly had no idea."

"I know," She nodded. "Did they say why they did—"

"They um," He cleared his throat and looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry Jasmine but they became furious when she told them she was pregnant."

"She what—" Jasmine gasped as tears filled her eyes. "She was going to have a baby?"

"Yes," He cleared his throat, "she was around twelve weeks when she told them. They admitted that they didn't want to be parents and they didn't want to have to share her. They accused her of becoming pregnant on purpose and an argument ensued. She well—" he took a deep breath.

"I don't need to know the rest," she shook her head.

"Very well," He nodded, "well, they have been apprehended and well, here." He handed her a tablet off the table and she saw that it was a video.

She hit play and watched as the judge sentenced them to death for the murder of their beloved and their unborn child. She then watched as they were torn apart and the various parts were then burned.

She looked up at Uncle as tears streamed down, "They had no remorse."

"No they did not," Uncle shook his head. "I'm so sorry Jasmine."

She got up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," She mumbled into his shirt. "Thank you for getting them justice."

"You're welcome," He said gruffly. "I do have one more thing I need to discuss with you."

"Okay," She sniffled as she went and sat back on the couch.

"As you know she had no family," he said as he cleared his throat. "She turned her back on them when she found August and Andrew. I reached out to them and they told me that..." he trailed off. "Well, they told me that they do not—"

"They will be buried in our family cemetery," Owen said as he adjusted his cuff links.

"Very well," Uncle nodded in appreciation.

"Do you know what the baby was?" Sean asked softly.

"A girl," Uncle said softly.

"I'll make all the preparations," Kota said standing.

"Thank you," Jasmine whispered as she went and hugged Uncle again.

"I'm sorry Little One, if I had known," She shook her head cutting him off.

"You got them justice," she said trying so hard to not break down. "You are making sure this doesn't happen to any more of us different ones. You believed me instead of just letting it slip by. You did everything you could and more. Thank you."

"I love you Little One," He whispered as he kissed the top of her head. "Now," he cleared his throat. "Go mourn and rest and be with your family."

"Yes Sir," She smiled weakly and hugged him one more time then went and sat in Luke's lap. As soon as Uncle left she broke down.

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