Chapter 11

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Jasmine left the cab and looked around. She quickly went to her house and unlocked the door with her fingerprint. She rushed inside and locked the door behind her then checked the windows. She entered the bedroom and into the bathroom. Opening the medicine cabinet she shakingly opened the pill bottle and quickly swallowed the pills then inserted the mouthguard. She got into bed and clutched her knees to her chest then began slowly rocking as she waited for the medicine to kick in.

Her mind raced, how could she be so reckless to not pay attention to the time? She knew she should have kept her medicine on her at all times, but she feared the reaction of others if they knew what they were. She thought she was in better control of herself. She bit down on the mouthguard, she was in control until HE showed up, that's when everything started spiraling out of control. It was his fault she was going through this. Everything was fine and she was having the life she dreamed of having until he showed back up in her life. But it would be okay, she would take back control of everything and take measure to prevent this from happening again, she just had to be more careful from now on.

She felt her body start to shift and she bit down on the mouthguard even more. The fire in her veins raced throughout her muscles but her skin was starting to turn clammy. She hated this part as she reminded herself to breath through her nose. She started to tasted the coppery metallic taste that let her know her gums were starting to bleed. It would pass soon, she told herself as she rocked back and forth tightening her grip of her arms around her knees. It would pass soon, she just had to be patient, it would pass soon.

After what felt like an eternity she started to feel better. The fire dimmed and her skin chilled from the AC letting her know the sweat was starting to dry. She would need a shower soon to help wash this moment away. She ever so slowly unclenched her grip and very carefully got out of her bed. Once she was certain she wasn't dizzy and would be steady on her feet, she headed back to the bathroom and removed the mouthguard, putting it back in its case. She rinsed her mouth then headed to the kitchen, moving in the dark. She didn't want to turn on any lights. She downed a bottle of water and looked out the window.

She wanted to go look at the stars outside but she was too nervous to actually venture out to her backyard so she just curled up in the window seat and looked out. She grabbed the blanket that she left there and wrapped herself up in it. She blinked back the tears as the memories tried to resurface. She couldn't have them come back right now, she couldn't risk it. She had to lock everything back down and add an extra lock, it wouldn't be safe to let everything out right now. She just needed to get ahold of her emotions right now and everything would be okay.

She sighed and closed her eyes, her head was starting to pound. She needed to get some sleep, but she knew it wouldn't happen anytime soon. She was still exhausted but she just had too much on her mind and now that she knew North and Lucian and the group would be searching for her she had to figure out what she was going to do now.

"Shit, I have to get my car from the hospital somehow," She murmured remembering that it was in the parking lot. "Lucian doesn't know what it is but the hospital will be the first place they go looking for me." She sighed and tilted her head back. She took a deep breath then righted herself, "Well at least they dont know where I live, I can still stay here until I can figure out where to go now."

She jumped hearing her phone blaring in the other room. She grabbed it and sighed as Luke's name glared back at her. She let it go to voicemail and rolled her eyes seeing the 13 missed calls and 27 text messages. She swiped them all away without even looking at them and then noticed something. "Fucking hell!" She raced to her room, grabbed her emergency bag, then raced to the bathroom throwing necessitates into the bag. She grabbed her burner phone, called a taxi then slipped out into the night to go meet the taxi driver at the pick up location. She just hoped she had enough time to get away before Lucian and North figured out her mistake, she was such a fool for not turning off the location of her cell phone but she vowed to not make that mistake again if she was able to get away.

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