Chapter 49

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"Did I ever tell you about Aunt?" He asked and she shook her head. "My beloved Adeline was a purple moon and her family tried to hide her from me because they use to sell her off to whoever. They allowed anyone to treat her how they wanted and take as much as they wanted for money. It was horrible. When I found her, it took a very long time to earn her trust. I didn't complete our bond or taste her blood for over a century, and it was only at her request. We were together for centuries before she was bitten by a lycan and died. What Andrew and August did to Isabelle is not how it's supposed to be. Do you hear me Little One?" She nodded and sniffled. "I know you've been through a lot and been shown and told a lot, but you aren't supposed to be hurt by those who love you. Beloveds are supposed to cherish one another because that's what real love is. It's not always roses and presents and surprises, beloveds show love by just doing simple things that show they appreciate you. Like when I would make Addy her coffee just the way she liked it so it would be ready when she woke up or going through her wish list on books and if I saw one while I was out I would pick it up for her. Having her favorite blanket nice and warm on the days so she could wrap up in it on the days she just needed to be home and rest. Making her favorite meal on hard days for her. Just holding her when she needed it or letting her lash out her hurt and anger at me because I was her safety and it let her know she was safe and she didn't have to keep it in anymore. She could show me that she could trust me. My favorite way was making sure my shirts always had my cologne on them so when she would steal them they would always smell like me. Things like that is real love."

"How did she show you her love?" She whispered while sniffling.

He chuckled, "Oh that's easy, I knew she loved me when she would crawl in my lap and have me hold her or get into bed with me and wrap my arms around her when she couldn't sleep. She would make me lunch to take to work and leave little notes in random places like my book or work bag or visor of my car. She would make sure my suits were ready before a meeting or change my tie if she thought it would look better. She would randomly come up to me and hug me or bring me a cup of coffee on nights I was working late. My favorite way was when she would surprise me at work and just sit with me while I worked. She loved to watch me work even if I was just doing paperwork. She just wanted to be with me and that meant the world to me."

"Sounds amazing," She whispered and he nodded.

"You will one day see that you can have that," He said while looking at the men who were lost in memories of spending time with Uncle and Aunt.

"Will you have another beloved?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"Yes," He sighed, "If one's beloved is killed in a horrific manner there are second beloveds that will appear at the right time. One day I will have my second beloved but right now I'm okay with just caring for my family. I'm okay Little One, don't worry about me."

"Okay," She whispered.

"I'll get justice for Isabelle, I promise," he said patting her back.

"You believe me?" She asked and he nodded.

"I will always believe you Jasmine."

"Thank you, Uncle," She sniffled.

"Always," he smiled. "Now, go color."

"Uncle," She glared and he chuckled.

"They don't mind one bit, I promise," He shook his head. "They actually like that."

"Oy, if you are talking about being a Little we already know, Trouble," Gabe chuckled.

"You do?" She asked shocked and they nodded.

"You let it slip when you are tired," North explained.

"Plus, when I found you coloring, I could fucking tell," Gabe nodded. "It's not a fucking problem at all."

"Okay," She bit her lip nervously.

"Go color," Uncle said and she nodded then took off up the stairs.

"What are you going to do?" Nathan asked.

"Find Andrew and August," Uncle said as he stood. "I'll let you know what I find out."

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