Chapter 51: Tu Lan

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Sigh... Life... All I can say... Enjoy.

Chapter 51: Tu Lan

I wasn't sure what to do or say. I just stood a few feet away from the man I hadn't seen in what felt like a year with wide eyes. I knew it had only been a few months, but so much had happened...

Tu Lan was silent as well as he tried to wrack his brain to understand what I was doing in such a place. I couldn't blame him. I still wasn't sure myself why I was so calm standing outside a Fire Nation school...

Finally, he spoke. "I don't believe it... I'm losing my mind... seeing things..."

I took a step closer, still stunned that the man who I was forced to separate from so long ago was only a few feet away. I saw he was standing fine and looked to have recovered completely from the attack a few months before. My heart pounded as I felt relief. I had been so worried about Tu Lan, and he was okay. He was safe.

Unable to resist, I rushed forward and threw my arms around him to give him a hug. He was stunned as he felt my arms wrap around his waist. However, he slowly moved his arms around me to return my embrace. "Amara... It really is you."

I smiled as I took in his familiar embrace. "Tu Lan... It's so good to see you again."

We hugged for a moment, both of us still in disbelief. I never would've imagined, out of all the places in the Fire Nation, Tu Lan would be on the outer islands.

I pulled away finally and stepped back. I had to know. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in the Fire Nation Capital... Are you really back to health? I was so worried about you!"

He didn't answer. He hadn't spoken since we had hugged. He just stared at me, probably trying to find the words to say. After a long pause of silence, he finally spoke. "Me? What am I doing here? The question is what are you doing here?! Dressed as a student?!"

His change in mood surprised me. He sounded... frustrated...

He held his hands up in exasperation. "Why did you come back to the Fire Nation? I thought you were with your family? That's what the letter from Iroh said. I thought after the Avatar died..." He dropped his hands, realizing what he was about to say might upset me. He didn't know Aang was alive. "I mean... I heard about the Avatar and what happened in Ba Sing Se... word's spread across the nation... I expected with your friend passing away you would have gone back to the Southern Water Tribe with your family..." He spoke the last part softly. "Is it true... The Avatar really died?"

I wasn't sure what to say. I was a little taken back by his reaction.

I finally found my voice and answered, "It's... a long story..."

He calmed when he heard my wavering tone. He moved forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Amara... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to sound like I'm not happy to see you. I just... I don't like you being in the Fire Nation. Your mother tried so hard to get you out of this place, and you're right back where you started..."

I met his brown eyes and gave a small smile. "No... You're wrong... this time, I'm here by choice."

He dropped his hand, still confused. "But why? I... heard the Avatar was dead and Iroh's been imprisoned." His eyes widened. "You're not trying to rescue Iroh, are you? He's at the Fire Nation Capital prison, Amara. That would be a suicide mission!"

I flinched when he mentioned Iroh. "No... I mean... I hope we can rescue him soon. But that's not why we're here."

He was more confused. He went to speak again.

"Hey! See! Told you my cousin was coming!"

The kid named Shoji shouted suddenly from up the hill, breaking into our conversation. Tu Lan and I glanced over to see Aang's newest friend walking out of the gates of the school with Aang following behind. I finally understood why Tu Lan was here. He was the cousin that Shoji had been talking about. This bewildered me. Tu Lan had never really spoken much about his family to me. He never told me he had a cousin named Shoji. I suppose I never asked though.

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