Chapter 1: Caged

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So... I am trying out a new story. This one is a bit darker than my Blazing Crystal series. However, if I get good feed back then I hope this story will take flight. The first chapter will be pretty dark and emotional, but things will hopefully get lighter from here on out. Let me know what you all think.


The Tale of Amara

Chapter 1: Caged

"Let go! Please!" I dug my heels into the dirt, but the force on my arms caused me to continue to stumble forward. "Just let me go!"

"Stop!" One of the soldiers that worked for my brother kicked me in the heel hard to silence me. I gasped from the pain and almost fell. The two men holding me up kept me from falling. "Commander Zhao has ordered we bring you to him immediately. You resisting will only make your punishment worse!"

I struggled harder; my eyes were blind with the salty liquid that continued to fill them. "Please! Don't do this! Please!"

The rough hands only continued to jerk me across the Fire Nation harbor camp towards the large square tent. I struggled and fought my brother's men more, wishing they wouldn't be so cold hearted and loyal to their commanding officer. As I tried to dig my bare feet into the cold hard earth again, I hissed as stones dug into my skin. Before I could escape my captors, I was shoved through the tent flap entrance which had been pulled apart by two soldiers standing at the opening.

Being shoved into the large open area, I was forced onto my knees immediately and held down by the two soldiers who had dragged me across camp. I had been so close to escape... I had made it two miles from camp. However, my brother realized I was gone and sent his fleet out to find me. Too weak to run, I was caught and dragged back.

This was my tenth escape attempt since being brought to the Earth Kingdom. This was my tenth failure.

Commander Zhao stood in front of me, his back turned as he gazed at the map on the maroon tent wall. His hands were behind him in tight fists, and he stood straight with authority. His red armor was polished, and his black hair was in a tight topknot. I could see even with his back turned his stupid sideburns.

"Leave us," Zhao ordered. "Guard outside and make sure no one enters."

The two soldiers finally released me, and they left the tent. Once they were gone, the flaps falling behind them, silence fell over the area as Zhao continued to examine the map. I kept on my knees, knowing that any other attempt of escape was pointless. The soldiers were outside, and my heartless half-brother was in front of me. I was trapped and done for.

"Amara," his cold voice spoke, sending shivers down my spine. "You understand why I am not pleased, correct?"

I felt my body shake involuntarily in terror. I hung my head letting my long black hair fall on both sides of my face. The pain would be coming soon. I breathed to try and calm myself though. I did not want Zhao to sense my fear.

"Where were you planning on going this time?" He turned to face me and stepped over to me. I saw his boots in my vision. "Trying to run east to get to Ba Sing Se? Or south to your mother's people? You are such a foolish child. Do you honestly think anyone would want a half-breed like you? You don't belong anywhere." He crouched to get a little closer to me. "You are a mistake that is lucky to still breathe."

I grit my teeth. I would not show my fear. I wanted to be strong and brave. "I'm willing to try and go anywhere that you are not..." I shut my eyes. "I don't understand why you won't let me go? Don't you have more important things to do than chase after a bastard child... Why won't you leave me alone and let me die in the wilderness?!"

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