Chapter 49: Relief

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This is a long chapter... I really needed this after the week I've had though. An SUV ran into me Tuesday damaging my back passenger door and me... so I've been dealing with pain and insurance... I'm exhausted with real life, so getting into my writing was a relief. Which is why this chapter is called "Relief."-- Enjoy.

Chapter 49: Relief

Standing on the shoreline, I let my feet get covered by the cool water as it washed up the sand from the broken waves. We were anchored off the coast of the Earth Kingdom just a few miles from the Serpent's Pass. Some of us had decided to go on shore to walk on land for a little bit. It had been almost two weeks since we'd left Ba Sing Se, and Aang still had not woken up. Thankfully, Katara had been right: He appeared to be in a frozen state so he was doing okay physically. We just wished he would wake up. He was still far from us.

The last two weeks had definitely been eventful. The Fire Nation had come to Chameleon Bay four days after we had gotten there. Azula was eager to apprehend us and had found our location quickly, sending a fleet to attack us in the night. We had been prepared though, and managed to take over a Fire Nation vessel while some of the other warriors distracted the remaining fleet. Once we knocked all the soldiers off the ship we'd boarded, we left the bay. The other warriors who had been distracting the rest of the fleet managed to escape, and found us two hours later at the meet-up point a few miles from Chameleon Bay. Aang had already been brought to the meet-up point a day before, being protected by Katara and some other warriors until we arrived.

After the fighting and adrenaline wore off, we all felt our spirits lighten as we realized that our plan had worked perfectly. We had a Fire Nation vessel that would help us travel in disguise once we reached Fire Nation waters. We had also managed to carry Aang onto the ship and find him a comfortable room to rest and heal in. One thing I did notice as they carried Aang onto the ship was that he had brown hair starting to grow on his head over his tattoo. I was certain when he woke up he would not be thrilled.

After we were safe and had Aang settled, we learned that some of the warriors had decided to take the Water Tribe vessels and head to the South Pole to check on the tribe. Katara mentioned to me that I could go with them, and I quickly shook my head to let her know I was staying with my cousins. As much as I wanted to meet my grandma, I wanted to help end the war and make the world safe... Plus... I didn't want to leave Zuko...

Zuko quickly taught Hakoda and the other men how to steer the vessel in the hours after we had gotten the ship, and they were able to practice while we headed towards the Serpent's Pass. As we neared the mass of jagged land stretched in our path, Hakoda and his men had gotten the hang of steering and we thankfully did not crash. The ship traveled through the Serpent's Pass with ease. There was a spot where the pass was covered by water deep enough for us to go over. Katara and Sokka were able to guide us to the location because they had been there before. Thankfully, we had not run into a sea serpent during our journey, and I was relieved. From what my family had told me, the sea serpent was not a friend.

Just a few hours ago, we ended up stopping off shore so that some of the warriors could go find supplies. While we walked on shore, we met an eight year old boy named The Duke and a giant muscular guy named Pipsqueak. Jet, Longshot, and Smellerbee were thrilled when the two kids suddenly wandered by where we were hanging out on shore, and they all hugged one another in excitement. Katara and Sokka quickly explained to Toph, Zuko, and I that the two kids were Freedom Fighters they had met in the past. I looked at Pipsqueak with confusion. His muscles and height totally did not make him look like a kid. Jet explained to me when he saw my confusion that Pipsqueak was actually eighteen and the oldest of the Freedom Fighters.

As the group started to chat with the two Freedom Fighters where they sat in the sand, I mentioned to Zuko who was sitting beside me that I was going to put my feet in the water. He looked at me with concern and I only gave him a smile to let him know I was okay. Then I left the circle and headed to the water.

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