Chapter 8: Hot Water

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Chapter 8 and 9 were originally one chapter... but I decided they needed to be two. So, here's Chapter 8. Chapter 9 will be posted in a few hours after I proofread. Thanks for reading. I'm having fun writing this. These two chapters are pretty emotional, but Chapter 10 and beyond will definitely start to show Amara's growth both mentally and physically.

Chapter 8: Hot Water

Amara POV

It had been only a few hours since the Avatar had saved me. Zuko had carried me back to the ship, and once we got to the ramp, he carefully set me down. Iroh rushed down the ramp with relief when he saw us, grabbing my arms to check me over. I was certain I looked a mess. My ribbon had fallen out of my hair (I honestly wasn't sure when), I had mud and grass stains on my clothes, and I could see scratches on my skin.

Iroh knew a little about what had occurred, but wanted my side of the story. I explained to him about Tu Lan trying to protect me from the firebender my brother sent. I told him that the man knocked Tu Lan out, and I jumped between them shooting fire to get the man's attention off of my friend. I relayed my poor attempt to escape only to be tackled. I let him know I was pretty certain that was when I twisted my ankle. I then informed him the man tried to knock me unconscious in the pond, but the Avatar saved me.

When I mentioned the Avatar, Zuko remembered his mission and ordered his Uncle to take care of me so he could head back into the woods with some guards. As he ran up the ramp to round up some men, Iroh did not look pleased by his nephew's rash action. However, he kept his main focus on me and had the guards standing nearby help support me up the ramp.

As we headed to my room, I eagerly asked Iroh about Tu Lan. Iroh informed me that he had just been carried back on the ship and taken to his room. Physician Ju was mending him and then would come look me over. I told myself that Tu Lan was in good hands, and I knew they would let me see him once things calmed down...

But I was still worried.

Once we got down to the hall where our rooms were, they helped me to the washroom first where I was able to clean the dirt off of me. Iroh had also retrieved me fresh clothes. Once I was cleaned up, I limped back to my room where Jing had tea waiting for me on my low table.

As I sat on my cot, Iroh carried the tray over to me and sat cross-legged. He made me drink some tea to try and calm my nerves which were still shot. When the last of my angst seemed gone, I finally looked at my ankle for the first time. Without shoes on, I could definitely see it was bruised and swollen. I honestly hadn't felt the pain from it until after Aang left me and Zuko arrived.

"So," Iroh spoke, pouring me more tea. "You met the Avatar?"

I smiled slightly and gave him a nod. "Aang... he was really nice." As I thought about him, I remembered our last conversation. "Iroh... did you know the Avatar was traveling with kids from the Southern Water Tribe?"

Iroh sipped his tea in thought. "I knew he was traveling with friends. I suspected he met them at the South Pole, but I was not certain."

I stared down at my cup. "I... I wonder if they know my aunt and grandma..."

"Hmm..." Iroh sipped his tea again. "They might. If we ever have the chance to speak with them then we will definitely ask."

Only a few minutes after our conversation, a knock sounded on my door and Physician Ju came in. I quickly asked him how Tu Lan was. He answered that Tu Lan was bandaged up and asleep. I wanted more info, but Ju dismissed my question and quickly went to look me over. As he knelt beside me, and started to check my pulse on my wrist, I argued I was fine. He didn't seem convinced, telling me that I was definitely beaten up and in shock. He could tell my heart was uneven and he wanted me to stay in my room the rest of the day. He moved to my ankle and the pain started.

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