Chapter 25: Pentapox

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I'm splitting this chapter in two. It was over 11000 words and I'm still writing. I finished the first part and will hopefully have the second soon... I'm Sorry for the wait... things have been a mess. My apartment complex caught on fire (for the SECOND time in six months!) so I was displaced and then had to move... then my fish got sick again and passed away... bad luck all around... But I'm not homeless anymore and I'm back! This chapter takes place during the first half of the Return to Omashu episode. Enjoy!


Chapter 25: Pentapox

(Amara POV)

I was so tired. We had been up since sunrise, walked through an endless tunnel, and from what I was gathering we were about to break into an invaded city. I was not used to going so long without sleep, but I knew it was best not to complain. I especially did not want to say anything at the moment because Aang was heated.

He gripped his staff hard as he stared at the city which was lit by the sun setting slowly behind the mountains.

He turned towards us with frustration. "I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed...untouchable."

Sokka frowned. "Up until now, it was... Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."

Katara was heartbroken. "This is horrible, but we have to move on."

Aang scowled. "No. I'm going in to find Bumi." He went to step forward to go towards the city.

Sokka grabbed his arm. "Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..."

Aang glared at him when he broke off. "What? If he's still what?"

Sokka released his arm and dropped his gaze. He finished his statement. "...around."

Katara stepped over to Aang to try and offer comfort. "I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people around who can teach you earthbending."

Aang shook his head. "This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend." He looked back towards the city. "He's in there. I can feel it. I'm not just letting him be a prisoner to the Fire Nation."

I flinched. No... no one deserved to be a prisoner...

"Okay... How's about this," Sokka said, trying to be the voice of reason. "We are all exhausted from the day. I say we make camp in a hidden spot, sleep through the night, and reevaluate the situation. If we're breaking into the city with Fire Nation all around then we need a plan."

Aang let out a heavy breath. "Fine... But we won't be able to sneak in during the day... That's almost another twenty-four hours! Bumi could be killed by then."

Katara tried to reassure him. "I don't think they're going to kill King Bumi... they probably plan to use him as a negotiation tool in the future." She took in a deep breath. "We need to sleep, Aang. All of us. And a nice meal is a good idea too."

Aang didn't respond. He walked off with frustration. "I'll scope the area... see if I can find a good place for us to sleep." He took off on his glider then, disappearing back the way we had come.

Katara let out a heavy sigh. "He must be worried sick."

I asked softly, "He and King Bumi must've been really close?"

Katara nodded. "Over a hundred years ago they were best friends. Aang would visit the Earth Kingdom and hang out with Bumi in the city. They were both kids and not worried about the war..."

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