Chapter 19: Deep Snow

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My fish is getting better! Just a little extra water changes and TLC so most of my time writing is at work during breaks. But here is the next chapter. Also, I kept only a little bit from the actual episode in this chapter. You may or may not like the changes I made, but I needed to incorporate Amara somehow. Enjoy!


Chapter 19: Deep Snow

The fleet had arrived at the North Pole. Iroh had paid me a final visit right before the attack began. He told me to stay in my room until Jing came to take me to the cargo hold. He let me know my escape would be some time in the next evening. In the meantime, Jing would bring me meals and check on me while the battle raged outside.

However, I didn't like what Iroh said about the fight being about to start. His words filled me with worry. I hated the thought of a battle occurring. I also feared for Iroh's safety. I begged him to be careful. He reassured me he would.

However, as he started to leave me to prepare for battle, he noticed my swollen cheek at last. His eyes narrowed.

"I see Zhao went against my wishes," he said with frustration.

I frowned and hung my head. "It was my fault, Iroh... I angered him."

"That doesn't make it right though." He sighed heavily. "At least you will be away from him by tomorrow night."

Iroh hugged me goodbye and left. I was alone for the rest of that evening, and into the night. I could hear the catapults being shot off only an hour after Iroh had left. There were also shouts from the deck above. I hugged my knees as I pictured the terrible scene outside. I was certain the fireballs were trying to take down the massive wall that Zuko had told me about. I hoped the Avatar would save the Northern Water Tribe. He was just a boy, but Iroh told me he was powerful. I knew the Avatar was the only chance the Northern Water Tribe had to survive such a large invasion force.

The sun set, and I heard the fighting stop. I was confused by this. Jing brought me some tea before bed and explained to me that the fleet was waiting for daybreak to attack again. He said they knew that the waterbenders in the city would be too powerful under the nearly full moon, and the fleet would have a better chance at sunrise of breaking through the city. He also told me that Zuko was preparing to sneak into the city in a little while to go find the Avatar.

That night I was restless. I was fearful for my cousins and Aang. I worried for men, women, and children I did not know. Part of me felt like I was to blame for this: I had not been strong enough to kill Zhao and stop his fleet. However, I knew this wasn't my fault. If Zhao wasn't going in for the attack another Admiral would in the future. Plus, even if I took Zhao out I wouldn't be able to destroy over thirty ships...

I curled up on the cot, not bothering to put a blanket over me. I was so anxious, I didn't care about my own comfort. I knew Zuko was going into the city to look for Aang; I didn't want him captured. I also knew that the Avatar and my cousins were in the city and about to face more violence in the coming day; I wanted them safe.

I hated being in my cabin prison so much, because I had no clue what was going on outside. However, I stayed patient. I didn't want to ruin Iroh's plan. One more day... I just had to wait one more day... My goal was to behave like Iroh said, wait for Jing to help me get to the cargo hold, take a boat to shore, and break into the city.

After only getting a few hours of sleep, I heard the catapults and shouts start again at sunrise. I paced the room most of the day, thinking of Iroh and Zuko. I thought about my family and Aang.

I also thought of the men from Zuko's crew I had become close to... While I was against what they were doing today, I had come to know them over my time of freedom. They had all been so nice to me. They were good men on days they weren't attacking my mother's people... While I didn't want them to hurt anyone from the Water Tribe, I also didn't want them to get hurt.

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