Chapter 5: Freckles

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Chapter 5: Freckles

The days were passing so painlessly, I felt like I was living in a dream.

Two days ago, Zuko had walked me back to the ship from the woods outside of the Fire Nation Colony port. When we arrived back at the ship, we were informed Iroh had already returned from his shopping in town. The man who told us this was Lieutenant Jee. He had sideburns like my brother but he was a little more lean and a little older. He was also much kinder.

"What do you mean we can't go to our quarters?!"

Zuko was not happy when he was informed that we were being ordered to go straight to the dining room for lunch and tea by Iroh. I flinched slightly as his temper rose, but reminded myself that the frustration wasn't towards me.

Lieutenant Jee shrugged. "I'm just a messenger, sir." He turned and left us.

Zuko sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He spoke to himself in irritation. "Uncle... What is that man up to now?"

Not wanting to defy Iroh's order, we went to eat in the dining area where typically Iroh and Zuko had their meals together. Since it was above deck closer to the helm, there was a window to look out at the sea. Jing brought us some lunch and tea as we sat at the low square table. As we waited, Zuko also had a crewman retrieve some medicine for the scrapes still on my hands from my fall in the woods. Once the man was back with the small wooden container, Zuko took it and dismissed him. Then he helped spread the ointment on my cut skin, and as he did I watched him with curiosity. Sometimes he came off as such a stiff and cold prince, and then other times he was super sweet and caring. His personality confused me.

Finally, after an hour of sitting in the dining hall, we were told by Tu Lan that we were free to go to our quarters. When we arrived down in the hall where our rooms were, Iroh stood by my door with a wide smile. "Thanks for your patience, and for keeping Amara company, Zuko. The room is complete."

Zuko groaned. "You banned us from our rooms for that?!" He turned to head to his quarters.

Iroh was disappointed his nephew wasn't enthusiastic. "Don't you want to see the completed project?"

The young prince stopped at his door and looked at his uncle with disbelief. "I don't need to see a girly room!" He opened his door and went inside, shutting it quickly behind him.

Tu Lan snickered, and Iroh laughed. Iroh spoke with amusement, "And that, Amara, is what you call a moody teenage male." He opened my door then and gestured for me to step inside. "I think this room will be much more suitable for you now."

"I... The room I had before was okay," I whispered. "You didn't have to--"

Iroh shook his head to cut me off. "No need to be humble, dear. I know the room was too bland before. I don't get to spoil people often so just let me have my fun."

Tu Lan placed a hand on my shoulder and moved me the last few feet down the hall and into the open doorway. Stepping through, I was speechless. I felt like I was walking into a fairytale.

The cabin looked so much different. The mattress on the floor had a light red blanket with fine floral prints, and a pillow with the same design. At the low table I saw the blue ribbons had been placed in a line. There was a new blue wooden comb, a golden hairbrush, a golden handheld mirror, some hairpins of blue, gold, and red colors, and a dark wooden box that had symbols of forest creatures carved in the wood. A wardrobe had been placed in the corner of the room as well, this one having floral designs carved into the wood. On the wall beside my cot hung two tapestries: one was a dark red with the Fire Nation emblem, and the other was blue with the Water Tribe symbol.

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