Chapter 48: True Family

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Okay... I may be procrastinating on my schoolwork a little. I mean... I read a few articles... I will officially be a better student tomorrow. Today, I just had to write!

Chapter 48: True Family

A hand shook me awake. Groggily, I opened my eyes to see Sokka crouching beside me from where I rested against Appa. He was smiling, and seemed excited about something. I stared at him with confusion. What was he smiling about? Then I looked around, trying to remember where I was and what had happened a few hours before.

I recalled Zuko hugging me as I cried for Iroh and Aang. I recall only vaguely that we had moved over to Appa and leaned back against him. I remember Yuna settling beside me. I remember being absolutely exhausted and just wanting to sleep. The night was dreamless as far as I could remember.

I felt the place beside me, but Yuna was not there. I noticed that Zuko was not on my other side either. "Sokka..." I looked over at him again. "Where is everyone?"

Sokka smirked. "Not sleeping still like you."

I furrowed my brows more. "Why are you so happy?" Then my eyes widened. "Did Aang wake up?!"

Sokka frowned when I asked this. "No... that's not it. I just am excited for you to meet our people. Dad and the warriors just got back. They've grabbed the spoils from their recent mission and are eating breakfast. I told them you are here and they can't wait to meet you."

I was stunned. Then I grew worried. If they were here, did that mean they had confronted Zuko? Did they make him their prisoner? He was the Fire Lord's son... what if we couldn't convince them to trust him...?

My heart pounded. I had to ask. "Zuko? Is he okay? Did they–"

He cut me off. "Amara... Relax. Zuko didn't want to wake you this morning. You had a rough day yesterday, so we decided to let you rest another hour. He's at the campfire with the others, eating breakfast. Dad's already met him. It was tense at first, but when we told dad what Zuko did for us he quickly accepted him. The prince of the Fire Nation has not been maimed by the Southern Water Tribe."

I sighed with relief. When we had gotten to the campsite last night, there was one worry I had, and that's how everyone would react to Zuko. I was so glad to hear the Southern Water Tribe Warriors were willing to listen and see Zuko had changed sides.

"Come on," he insisted. "Dad wants to meet you! Everyone does!"

My insecurities came flooding back. I felt my heart race again at the thought of meeting Chief Hakoda and the rest of my mother's people. Would they truly accept me? Or would they only see me as a mistake like my Fire Nation family?

Footsteps came over, and I looked up to see Katara coming our way. She noticed my anxious expression, and smiled encouragingly. "Amara... I know you're scared to meet the tribe, but I promise they will love you." She stopped in front of me and held her hand out to me. "Everyone's waiting in the center of camp. Let's go before they lose patience."

I stared at her hand with hesitation. "Are... you sure about this?"

She nodded. "Yes. More than anything."

I shivered. A thousand what ifs raced through my mind.

"Plus, if they accept Zuko for switching sides then of course they will accept you," Sokka reassured. "You're blood."

Sokka did make me feel a little better. But I was still uncertain. However, I finally took Katara's hand, not wanting to be a coward. She helped me up, and then ran her hands through my hair to help me tame some of the knots. I knew we were all in need of a good wash after the last twenty-four hours, and I hoped we could clean up some after this terrifying meeting.

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