Chapter 59: Black Cliffs

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Chapter 59: Black Cliffs

The morning had come. The Day of Black Sun was upon us. Sokka had decided it needed a cool name. I was a little nervous by the words though. A black sun sounded kind of terrifying. Especially since I was a firebender... I knew Zuko wasn't thrilled about not having his element either, but he said he felt his broadswords would do the trick if things turned for the worst.

Plus... We only had to survive without our firebending for eight minutes.

Zuko and I had our plan to break from the group set in stone. When we got into the palace, Zuko would point the group the way to the throne room and we would head the other way to the Fire Lord's hidden chambers. I still wasn't sure about bringing Yuna with us, but I knew I wanted her in my sight so I didn't worry about her. Plus, if things went wrong and we couldn't regroup then I wanted her with us until we could get back to the others. It was a little selfish, but besides Zuko, Yuna was my comfort.

Standing at the top of the Black Cliffs, I looked at the horizon in the distance where I knew the invasion force would be appearing soon. I was not certain who we were expecting other than the few people that I was told about. I knew the Water Tribe warriors would be helping. Of course Jet and his freedom fighters. I think Sokka had a friend from the Northern Air Temple that knew how to build machines and other gadgets coming...Whatever he invented was supposed to be helpful in getting us closer to the Fire Nation Capital. I also heard mention about inviting our swamp waterbending friends to join us. I was surprised they were mentioned during the original plans.

Sokka was intently staring at a map beside me as we waited. Katara came over and handed Sokka a cup of tea that Zuko had brewed for us by the fire. Zuko's tea had improved since learning a little more from Iroh during our time in Ba Sing Se.

The thought of Iroh made my heart quicken. Today, we would be saving him too by ending this war. I really hoped he was okay.

"How much longer?" Toph asked, growing impatient.

Toph was sitting on a rock, deciding there wasn't much else to do at the moment. Zuko was sipping his own tea by the fire, trying to calm his nerves from what was to come today.

Sokka answered, "We agreed on sunrise, so any moment now..."

Aang suddenly appeared, dropping into the campsite. He had been asleep on the fluffy wool bed we had made him the night before and looked so much more relaxed. Momo left where he was hanging with Yuna and Appa, and flew to land on Aang's shoulder.

Aang smiled. "Top of the morning, Momo!"

Katara turned from where she was by Sokka and looked at Aang with relief. "Sounds like you slept well."

Aang agreed. "Like a baby moose lion." He got into a fighting position. "I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

Zuko and I glanced at one another, and then looked away. I really hoped Aang didn't hate us after this. Would he be furious that we sent him the wrong way so Zuko could have this chance to face his father?

Toph asked, "So, what's your strategy for taking him down?" She smiled and raised her hands to her glazed eyes wiggling her fingers outwards. "Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?" She punched the air a few times on the last part.

Aang frowned and hung his head. "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."

Toph waved him off. "You know what I just heard? Blah, blah, spiritual mumbo jumbo blah, blah, something about space." She sighed. "Shame Kitten isn't coming with us and sticking with Sparky. We could just have her flood the room and boil him."

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