Chapter 52: The Painted Lady

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Readers! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I lost my writer's touch for a moment! I'm back! And this is a pretty long chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 52: The Painted Lady

Third Person POV

Azula narrowed her burning gold eyes at the man with the eye-shaped tattoo. He had not spoken a word since he was brought in by the Dai Li agents who had followed her from Ba Sing Se. She had heard of the man before. He had no name, but he was good at what he did. She knew that her brother's death could not be tied back to her, because her father had already ordered that Zuko be brought to him alive. She also desired to end the life of the dualbender that had stolen her brother's heart.

The moon shone above them as they stood a mile outside the palace. She did not want word getting back to the servants or guards that she had spoken to the renowned assassin. They called him Xiōngshǒu, but no one truly knew his name or his origin. He was the only firebender known in the world who could concentrate his energy and shoot blasts from his head. He was good at what he did, and Azula needed the best.

The man stood a little over seven feet. He had a bald head to show off his tattoo, and a metal glove that covered his right hand. He wore a burgundy vest that only covered part of his massive muscles, some tan trousers, and burgundy pointed shoes. His eye-tattoo was horizontal in the center of his forehead, having a dark red pupil with lighter shading around the eye shape outline. His beard was black, and his eyes were dark and determined.

Azula raised her brow as she took in his presence. "You're a hard man to find. You're on my father's most wanted list as well. He fears someone will hire you to assassinate him." She smirked. "Of course, you're not foolish enough to take on a task such as that."

The man said nothing. He actually looked bored.

Azula was amused by his lack of emotion. He was perfect for the job. "I need you to track down and end someone for me. I hear you're very good at what you do." She moved her hands behind her back and nodded over to the Dai Li beside her. The man in the dark green robe stepped towards the giant assassin, and then extended a bag of coins towards the man along with two scrolls. "Those are sketches of your targets. You'll be paid half for your service now and the rest after. The girl has a necklace in her possession. Bring it back to me as proof of your mission being completed and you will be paid the rest in full."

The man took the bag and scrolls from the Dai Li agent. He then said nothing as he turned and walked away.

"Princess Azula," one of her agents spoke. "Are you certain you can trust him with such a task? We are happy to destroy them for you."

She frowned. "No. You are already tied to me. This has to be done so that no blood is on my hands." She turned and started to walk back across the rocky earth towards the palace. "We must make Zuko and that girl Amara disappear... I cannot let them take my throne from me."

Amara POV

The minute Appa landed in the river, I could tell there was something off about it. The color was a strange dark green, and the liquid was not flowing properly. My connection to the water was obstructed by a heavy element that seemed to be resting on top of it.

Zuko was analyzing a map. Sokka was at the front of Appa, trying to catch us some food with his fishing line. Toph was leaning back against the side of the saddle listening to the sounds around her. Katara was looking at Aang with worry as he swam in the gross liquid. Momo was perched on Appa's floating tail, watching Aang swim around. Yuna was stretching out her wings, flying from tree to tree as she followed us down the river path.

After we had left the island where Aang and I had attended school, we continued to island hop, keeping out of the sky and in the most secluded places we could. After we camped in the wilderness last night, we found ourselves in a very wooded area that stretched along a river. Since it was day time, Sokka suggested Appa travel on the river to keep out of sight. However, I was starting to think that wasn't a great idea for his health.

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