Chapter 26: Enemy or Ally

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Chapter 26: Enemy or Ally

Aang had been gone for hours. I was worried, but I tried to focus on helping my family assist the escapees around us. By the time the sun started to set over the mountains near Omashu, we had formed camps all around the area with firepits and food. Men and women had gone out earlier in the day to scout for whatever they could find and begin to gather provisions. The Earth Kingdom citizens of Omashu were doing what they could to survive.

As everyone ate their finds of meat, fruit, or vegetables, I sat by the fire with my family at the site we were residing. We were all anxious about Aang, unsure whether he was okay or not. My cousins could barely sit still as they kept looking in the direction of the city. Just as we started to consider going back and finding him, we heard loud steps in the distance.

At first, I was terrified by the dark shadow coming towards us. However, my cousins didn't seem afraid at all. They stood and rushed over, so I quickly followed them not wanting to be left alone with the Earth Kingdom citizens who were giving me cautious looks. I was starting to feel really unwelcomed by Captain Yung's people...

As we got to the edge of camp, a large form was approaching us at quick speed. From the moonlight, I saw Aang was riding on what appeared to be a giant white beast with long drooping ears, and two horns on its head. The creature also had sharp lower fangs jutting out of its mouth. I recalled it was called a goat-gorilla from a book that Zuko had read to me during my studies on the ship. I was amazed to see Aang on such a strange creature.

Katara was thrilled by the animals presence though. "I don't believe it! It's Flopsie!"

I was puzzled by her exclamation. "Flopsie?"

Sokka answered. "King Bumi's pet. He's friendly."

We met Aang at the edge of camp, and the young airbender stopped the creature a few feet away from us. He slid off and hung his head. I knew from his dismay and absent friend that the mission was unsuccessful.

He spoke with great despair. "We looked everywhere. No Bumi..."

Katara was saddened to hear this. "Oh, Aang... I'm so sorry." She stepped over and hugged him. Sokka joined the hug as well, while I frowned and shut my eyes. We had failed.

A throat suddenly cleared. We looked over at the source. Captain Yung walked towards us with urgency. "We've got a problem. We just did a head count."

Katara was anxious from his stressed tone. "Oh no. Did someone get left behind?"

He shook his head and pointed over at something. "No, we have an extra."

We glanced over to see a baby being dragged across the ground by Momo who was screeching and trying to escape. I was horrified as I stared at the child that was in Fire Nation clothing. He must've followed us on our way out of the city.

Katara spoke with bewilderment, "Where did he come from?" She walked over and picked up the child who couldn't have been older than a year or two. He fussed as he was taken away from Momo. Momo raced off to hide.

"He must've followed us out of the city," I suggested. "He probably got interested by the crowd... or he followed Momo..."

Katara nodded and asked as she held the baby in her arms, "What do we do with him? His parents are probably worried sick!"

Sokka pinched the bridge of his nose in disbelief. "Great. Just when we think we're done, we have a whole new problem."

Aang let out a deep sigh. "There's nothing we can do about it right now... Let's rest tonight and we'll figure it out in the morning. We're all exhausted. I'm going to take Flopsie over to Appa and find them some food." He looked at Katara. "Think you can take care of him tonight?"

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