Chapter 50: Kuzon and Liva

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Hey everyone,

Sorry for the really overdue chapter. I've been dealing with a lot of adult stuff... and college got super busy these last few weeks, so I have been drowning in schoolwork. Finally I have spring break so I can breathe for a few days. I'm going to do my best to keep writing when I can.


Chapter 50: Kuzon and Liva


I sat on the cot and hugged my legs closer.

Tu Lan let out a heavy breath and stepped into the room. He held a tray of food in his hands. He walked over and crouched to place the tray next to me. "I'm back... Lin told me that she can't get you to eat... You need to. You don't want to get sick."

I dropped my head against my knees. My ribs were hurting. My back was so sore. I just wanted to sink away and be forgotten. "Uncle Xi... he was angry... I didn't do anything... Why... why does he hurt me? I've been good. I thought with him and Zhao both being away I'd be okay, but... he came back early... there's always someone here to hurt me."

Tu Lan sat beside me. He brushed a hand on my cheek to wipe my tears. "I'm sorry, Amara... I shouldn't have gone to visit my aunt and cousin... I thought your uncle was going to be away longer... Where did he hurt you?"

I grit my teeth. "It doesn't matter." More tears fell. "He'll just keep hurting me. Uncle Xi... Zhao... I just want... I want to leave this place."

Tu Lan was quiet for a moment as I cried more into my knees. "You will... you'll get out one day... I... I'll find a way to help you one day... I promise..."

"It's been ten years since mom died... I thought... I hoped I'd have escaped by now. But... I can't get past the walls of this estate. No matter how hard I try, I'm always caught. And I promised mom... I promised her I wouldn't waterbend or firebend. But that's going to be my only way out of here..."

"Amara... you know you can't. If they find out—"

"Maybe they should," I whispered. "I should just show them... then... maybe they'll just kill me. It would be better than being here the rest of my life."

Tu Lan let out a heavy breath. "You don't mean that... you know if you die... you'll never meet your Water Tribe family."

I pulled from my knees and glanced over at Tu Lan. "How do you know they're really out there? You said it yourself. You haven't heard anything about the Southern Water Tribe. And... I heard Zhao mention that the Southern Raiders went there a few years ago to kill a waterbender. How do we know they didn't just kill the whole tribe?"

Tu Lan shook his head. "There are still remnants of the Southern Water Tribe. I've read it in reports. There have been some Southern Water Tribe warriors spotted in the Earth Kingdom. No one knows the location of their settlement at the South Pole because they are hiding, but I know they are somewhere. Your family is out there, Amara. You can't lose hope." He brushed a hand on my cheek again. "Eat. You'll need your strength when the time comes for you to finally escape."

I let out a heavy breath. I stared at the tray beside me. Then I reached out for the bowl of rice.

"Hey... you okay?" Zuko brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

I jumped a bit as he brought me out of my memory. I glanced over to see him staring at me with concern. I had been quiet for the last few hours as the others discussed the Fire Nation with Zuko. I had a lot on my mind, and I hadn't been able to focus on their conversation.

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