Chapter 46: Choose Wisely

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Chapter 46: Choose Wisely

(Third Person POV)

Katara and Sokka stood in the midst of the Water Tribe camp, their hearts elated as they took in the familiar faces of men, young and old, from their tribe. When they had first landed and said their goodbyes to Aang, they approached the site with uncertainty. Katara had mentioned that she was nervous about seeing their dad after so many years. Sokka muttered that he was more nervous about how their dad would react to them leaving Amara with the Fire Nation prince. Katara immediately agreed. However, she had come to trust Zuko and hoped he would take care of Amara while they were gone. Sokka knew she was right. He had come to trust Zuko too.

When they got to camp, it was just evening, so many of the warriors were gathered around small fires for dinner. The camp was situated by the bay, so you could hear the waves in the distance crashing on the shore. As the two stepped across the sand further into camp, the Water Tribe warriors recognized them. Everyone immediately jumped up to greet the children of their chief.

"Sokka! Katara! What are you doing here?!" One man named Tano exclaimed with delight. "I thought you were traveling with the Avatar?"

Other men started to ask questions too, and hugged Katara and Sokka with delight.

"Woah! Everyone give them some space!" A familiar voice ordered.

Katara and Sokka grinned when the crowd parted and they saw their good friend Bato. Katara rushed over first and hugged him with delight. He hugged her back as well, so glad to see she was okay. Sokka came over and hugged him next.

"Katara... Sokka... it's so good to see you both again. You've grown more since we parted. I told your father how proud I was the day I saw you two at the abbey." Bato looked between them with elation. "I'm certain you've had quite a journey since then."

Katara jumped right in and exclaimed, "Bato! You're going to love this! We've met our cousin Amara since we last saw you. She is amazing!"

Bato was stunned. His delight turned as his heart ached at the thought of Kala. His eyes watered as he pictured the daughter of the woman he had never stopped loving.

He asked softly. "Amara... is... is she still with the Fire Nation?"

Sokka frowned. "No... I mean... she's not with the Fire Nation. She is with Prince Zuko though. He actually switched sides. He's been helping us out these last few days."

Bato's jaw dropped. "What? The Fire Nation Prince... switched sides?"

Katara nodded. "Yeah... turns out he's the Great-Grandson of Avatar Roku. Crazy! I know! But... I actually think Amara had a lot to do with his change of heart. He cares a lot about her and wants to keep her safe."

Bato was still stunned to hear about the enemy's prince switching sides. However, he was especially stunned to hear about Amara's influence on him. "Are they... together?"

Sokka misunderstood his question. "They're still in Ba Sing Se. They offered to stay and discuss plans about the invasion we're working on so we could come see dad."

Bato was still stunned. He went to ask again, but Katara interrupted.

"Speaking of dad, is he here?"

Bato gave a nod. He gestured for them to follow him across camp to the largest tent at the head of the site. When they got to the tent, Bato spoke through the flap, "Chief Hakoda... there's someone here to see you."

A voice that filled Sokka and Katara's hearts with joy spoke on the other side. "What's with the formality? Come in."

Bato grabbed the flap and pulled it to the side to let Katara and Sokka into the tent. Hakoda looked up from a scroll he was reading while he sat on some furs in the tent. As they entered, his eyes widened when he recognized them in the lantern light. He dropped the scroll and jumped up to his feet, his eyes filling with tears.

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