Chapter 23: Dark Tunnel Part 1

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A/N: I edited one thing in the last chapter. If you read the chapter before the edit I apologize. I don't know why I called Amara's pouch a water moccasin. Probably not wise to carry a snake by her side. I think I was talking to someone about snakes while writing the chapter. Water Skin. Not Water Moccasin!

Also, I'm breaking this into two parts. I was at 9,000 words for this chapter and still writing, so I decided it would be better in two parts. Part two will hopefully be coming by the end of this week.


Chapter 23: Dark Tunnel Part 1

(Amara POV)

After we left General Fong and his base, we continued east. Katara let me know we had to be careful not to be spotted because there were a lot of Fire Nation camps spread through the region. We'd be stopping quite a bit rather than flying straight. I let her know I was just along for the ride and happy to be with them. I honestly had no clue where else I would go besides the South Pole... I had no clue where Zuko and Iroh were... staying with my family was my best option.

Our first evening camping in the woods, Katara offered to train some with Aang and I in waterbending. They were excited to check out the scrolls that Master Pakku had given Aang. As Sokka chilled by the campfire with Momo and Appa, we headed downhill to a pond. Aang did his own thing, looking at the scrolls for guidance, while Katara taught me some basics. She was definitely a master waterbender from the way she connected so quickly to the element. I was amazed as I watched her do basic moves like they were as easy as breathing. She could create massive waves, freeze water and break it to pieces in mid-air, snap water whips with ease, and form massive walls of ice. After she demonstrated some moves, I did my best to copy her actions. My waves were nothing compared to hers, and my ice walls were barely a foot taller than me. Katara promised me that if I kept practicing and stayed determined then it would become second nature.

"I just don't understand why I'm not as strong as I am when I'm in battle... When I fought Zhao, it all just came to me..."

She explained. "You were in survival mode, Amara... when you're in danger, your connection is only stronger. That's why it's important you build this connection when you're not in a life or death situation."

Having Katara as my teacher was a lot different than Iroh. While Iroh could show me proper stances and movements, he couldn't actually tell me if I was bending the water correctly. Katara was able to help me modify the movements and show me how to direct the water better. She was so kind and patient with me. Even Aang would take a break from his more advanced moves to come over and help me train. It was nice to get to practice waterbending with others.

After two more days of flying, taking breaks, flying some more, and then stopping for camp, we were only a day away from the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. After we packed up camp at sunrise, Katara asked Aang and I if we wanted to try and get another training session in. I let her know that I was really interested in that. Aang was excited too.

Sokka wandered off with Momo on his shoulder as we started training at a river at the bottom of some large cliffs. Appa sat to the side in the cliff's shade to take a nap.

I practiced some moves Katara wanted me to work on, while she taught Aang more advanced sets. Katara had shed her outer clothing and was wearing her underwrappings. I kept my outer clothing on. I knew that my family had already seen the many scars on my back, but I really didn't want to show them again quite yet. I hated them feeling sorry for me. I wanted them to help me move on and forget the past. With each passing day I was with my family, the good memories were starting to push away the bad.

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