Chapter 21: Sun and Moon

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Chapter 21: Sun and Moon

The warmth of a cute flying lemur named Momo was a nice comfort when I woke up in the morning. I glanced over beside me and saw my youngest cousin Katara still asleep in her sleeping bag. Aang and Sokka were asleep on the other side of her.

I was relieved. Waking and seeing them reassured me that the day before hadn't been a dream after all. I was truly with my Water Tribe family.

I knew they probably wouldn't wake up for a while. I was certain they were all still exhausted from the battle two days ago. Carefully, I slipped out of my sleeping bag so I didn't disturb Momo. Then once I was free, I pulled my boots on and silently walked across the room to the building's opening. Stepping out into the cold air, I stared at the world around me for the first time in the morning light.

The buildings were so beautiful from the sunrise glow. The palace stood behind me, shining over the Northern Water Tribe. I walked through the snow to the icy railing where an overlook was of the rest of the city. We were staying in one of the guest houses at the palace, so we were higher up than the citizens below.

I could see from my overlook the massive city stretched out before me for miles. The canal which I had fallen in came towards the palace, but I saw it moved in multiple directions around the streets for transportation. The air was so fresh and the atmosphere was so peaceful. I could see damage still from the battle before, but efforts had already been made by waterbenders to start repairing the city.

Beyond the city wall, I saw the ocean that stretched to the south. I thought of Zuko and Iroh as I saw the water before me. I prayed that they had made it to land. I worried for them greatly. My heart ached as I realized just how much distance lay between us suddenly.

I shut my eyes, letting out a heavy breath. As much as I hated not being with Zuko, I knew this was for the best. I felt strange only because I still didn't know my cousins too well. I understood as I got to know them more my comfort with them would grow.

But no matter how many days passed, Zuko would always hold a place in my heart...

Footsteps came towards me. I went alert by habit and looked back quickly. I calmed though when I saw that the person approaching was Sokka. He looked like he was still trying to wake up, rubbing his eyes as he approached. I turned back to the city and stared at the ocean again. I was still a little timid, even with my cousins. I had only known them for less than a day.

"Hey. I saw you weren't in the room and got worried. Early riser?"

Sokka came beside me and leaned on the firm ice rail.

I felt my cheeks flush a little. "Yeah... I used to get up really early to train with Zuko. Just a habit... I didn't want to wake anyone."

He nodded. "Usually we rise pretty early on days we're traveling. We're all still just a little tired from the battle I guess."

I grimaced. I crossed my arms as the air sent a shiver through me. "I... I'm sorry.. about Yue. Katara told me after you fell asleep that the Chief's daughter and you had gotten close." I shut my eyes again feeling my heart twist. "If I had stopped Zhao a few days ago before he set out with his fleet then she would still be alive... I'm sorry, Sokka..."

He was quiet for a moment. Then he let out a heavy breath. "Don't let yourself take any blame for what happened the other day. Even if you were related to that man, he doesn't define anything about you. You had nothing to do with the battle... and even if you could've stopped Zhao, another fleet would've come eventually. It's better they attacked when Aang was here so the Northern Water Tribe had a chance... and Yue sacrificed herself to save everyone... that was her choice... no one's to blame for her death but Zhao."

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