Chapter 58: The Approaching Day

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Chapter 58: The Approaching Day

"Okay... Get ready," Zuko said.

I nodded and got into my stance. He took a few steps forward and shot his hand at me. I held both my hands out just as the flame shot my way and caught the fire in between. I manipulated the flames and managed to shove my hands towards Aang. Aang saw the fire coming.

"Alright, Aang! Catch it!" Zuko ordered.

Aang freaked at the last minute though and used air to redirect the flames. The fire shot past him and hit the side of the rocky cliff we were at the base of.

Zuko groaned. "Aang! Come on! You're supposed to be firebending! What are you so afraid of?!"

Aang pouted. "Getting burned." He then asked, "Is this really necessary? We don't even know if I'll be able to firebend for the eclipse. I'm probably going to have to stick to water, air, or earth."

Zuko answered, "You need to know how to redirect fire if something happens. The eclipse will only last eight minutes. If you can't get to the Fire Lord by then he will regain his abilities and blast at you."

Aang shrugged. "I did fine using just air to avoid all your fire blasts when I first met you."

"I thought you wanted me to teach you?" Zuko snapped. "Don't tell me you don't want to learn now!"

Aang flinched. "I just don't see a point. The eclipse will take away my ability to firebend. So, I think I just need to focus on the other elements right now."

He went to turn to leave.

"Aang... This isn't about firebending, is it?" I asked. He stopped and his shoulders slumped. "What's going on?"

He let out a deep breath. "I'm... just scared... of facing the Fire Lord. I... knew this day would come, but I guess I'm just... nervous."

I walked over to him and placed a gentle hand on his tense shoulder. "If you're not ready, we could always stop this plan... I'm sure the group will understand."

He shook his head. "No... We need to do this. I can't let the world down..." He looked over at me. "I'll be okay... I just... need some time to sort my thoughts." He let out a heavy breath. "I'm going to go back to camp. Help get dinner ready."

I frowned. I hated seeing Aang so down. "Okay... Let the others know we're right behind you."

He nodded and headed off back through the woods to camp.

Zuko spoke after he was gone. "He's definitely not ready for this... I'm worried..."

"Me too... It's a great chance to get to the Fire Lord, but if Aang's not ready then I fear this isn't going to work the way everyone wants it too."

Zuko stepped up beside me. "I've actually been thinking... About the battle... I may face the Fire Lord... alone..."

His words stunned me. I looked at him with disbelief. "What? But... Aang's destiny is to defeat him."

Zuko looked back at the forest where Aang had disappeared with confliction. "Aang's not ready... and I need to clear up some things with my father... I need you to do me a favor, Amara... I need you to not say anything about this. I'm going to lie to Aang... I know where the Fire Lord will be hiding during the eclipse. I'm going to tell Aang that he'll be in the throne room... I'm going to split from the group and go face him alone."

My eyes were wide with horror. I turned to him and grabbed his arm. "No! He'll kill you!"

Zuko met my gaze. "I won't let him... But... Amara... You had your chance at revenge... please... give this one to me."

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