Ch. 16 Going to the Doctors

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Leigh's P.O.V.

"Right so, do we have all the gear we need?" Jesy asked.

"I think so." Cher said looking over everything before she nodded. We headed out to the hospital that the doctor worked in. I parked the car in a secluded part, but close enough in case we had to run. Luckily we had out the stuff on inside the house before we left. We had some bulletproof vests so, that if last time was repeated we'd be good. I was in the lead with Jesy to my right and Cher to my left. Once inside we went straight to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you." The receptionist asked.

"I was wondering if you knew where we could find Dr. Niels?" I asked.

"He is actually not working at the moment."

"Do you know what his home address is?" Cher asked.

"I'm sorry I can't give away personal information unless you have a connection with him." The receptionist said giving us a fake smile.

"But we do have a connection with him." Jesy said.

"We do?" I asked, but then got elbowed in the ribs. "Right, yes we do."

"Uh huh, and what would that be?"

"We're...umm we're related to him yeah we're his sisters." Cher said.

"Dr. Niels has never mentioned having sisters."

"Oh yeah that's because we don't have the best relationship so, we were hoping to surprise him and work on it. Since he's moved we haven't been able to contact him so,if we could please get the address that'd be great." Jesy explained, dang she is good.

The receptionist huffed, but gave in. "Fine here's his home address." I took the paper slip and we left. Once we got back in the car Cher and Jesy started talking about what had happened in there while I put the address in. I started the car and we left to Dr. Niels house. Sadly the drive was close to an hour and consisted of a lot of fighting over what radio station it should be. It ended up on classical music which is a good way to put people to sleep, but it's still very good music.

"What are we going to do when we get to his house?" Cher asked quietly because of Jesy being asleep.

"Do the plan we had originally set just instead of being in the hospital we'll be at his house." I said reassuring her and me as well. Finally we had pulled up onto to the street and we had all become very tense. We parked a couple of houses away from his and made sure everything was easy to access. We had to be prepared for anything to happen.

"Guys I have a bad feeling about this." I said.

"Leigh woman up we have to do this." Jesy said.

"Look girls I'm not so sure about this too, but like Jes said we have to do this. We must make a right from all the wrongs. We've all gone through something in our lives that makes it impossible for us to be the person we were before. Honestly this is one of those times, but we will come out strong we than ever before." Cher spoke.

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