Chapter Twenty Seven

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Walking through empty alleyways, mind full, stomach empty. It's the morning. The previous night, well- it was fine. Wasn't as comfortable as before, but... it was fine. I actually ended up sleeping again. I'm happy for that at this moment, because if I hadn't gotten a good sleep, I'd be falling over right now.

We've woken up super early, like we usually do. It's the easiest, because no one's really awake. It's that time where the sky is barely blue, the birds barely audible, and the people scarce. Less people for us to stare nervously at, only to see them stare just as nervously back. Except I know, we're always more on edge. We don't want them to figure it out... figure out our true identities.

I shake my head, a sharp wind whistling in my ears, knocking my hair back. I always seem to think longer than I should, to the point where it becomes depressing and pointless. Always.

Gerard's way ahead. He's walking really fast, eyes alert, glued on every small detail in front of him. I can tell, whenever he's farther ahead of me and walking faster, it means he's anxious. I am, too. And I think we're avoiding each other again- only slightly- because it's what we always do. Whenever something happens between us, I feel like it goes nowhere. But that's okay. 'Cause I really don't know what I'd say to Gerard. I mean, I know what I would say, I just don't know how. I try to work out the words in my head, but that also never goes anywhere. Even if I had figured something out, I'd never, ever be able to say how I really feel, without it turning into a mess.

He isn't saying anything, either. Maybe he's too shy, like me. Or maybe he doesn't like me as much as I like him.

I shake my head again. I try to convince myself that shaking my head can knock the thoughts loose from my mind, but it never works.

Of course it doesn't.

I shudder. This city is weird, off-putting. It's weird how the buildings stretch higher than normal, how most of the people wear sunglasses and talk on cellphones- weird how every single person avoids each other like they have something better to do. Always walking right past one another, never making eye contact. I don't know, it's strange to me. I've never really experienced what it's like to live normally in the city, but wouldn't you at least acknowledge people? Aren't they all neighbours? I'm not sure. I'm probably wrong about it. I'm probably all wrong. I know nothing about how all this works.

I haven't noticed, but I'm looking at the ground. I could look around me, and take in all the things I've never seen before- but I don't. I don't want to see this scary world. I want to forget about it, act like the paved ground is the only other thing that exists. I want to forget about this stupid law, with its stupid people and stupid cities, I want to-

The sound of shoes scuffing against the ground startles me, and the voice following makes me perk my head up. "Lynx."

I jog up to Gerard, stopping when I'm right beside him. "Yeah?"

"We were wrong." The wind tosses his hair around, nearly covering his focused eyes.

I turn my head to look at him, but he keeps his gaze straight ahead. "About...?"

Identity [Gerard Way] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now