Chapter Seven

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When I wake up the next morning, I feel strange. I try to shake the feeling away, but it stays. Even when I get up out of bed and stare out the window, the feeling's still there. Just a strange, uneasy feeling. The grey, rainy looking sky isn't helping. So it must be true- something strange is going on.

I go over to the door and place my ear up against it. I expect to hear Gerard's footsteps, or even the TV. Something.

But there's nothing.

And then my heart starts to pound. I don't know why. Why am I getting so scared? He could still be sleeping. Yeah. No need to worry.

...No need to worry.

I stop myself. Why am I even concerned for him? Why do I even care about where he is? Why do I even care that something could be happening to him? Why?

Something probably isn't even happening. When I reach for the door handle, it will be locked. Of course. He always locks it. He doesn't even think about sleeping before locking the door. It's always locked. It has to be.

I grab the door handle, and close my eyes. I pray that when I twist the handle, it won't open. I take a final breath, turn the handle, and...

It opens.

The door swings open, and I gasp. I gasp because I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't expecting it to open. But it did. It did, and now my heart starts to pound faster. Never in my life had I hated seeing a red couch so much.

Something is terribly wrong. I don't know what could have happened, but something is wrong.

"This is bad, this is really, really bad." I mutter to myself, eyes wide.

I dart back into my room and see my shoes flopped out just beside the bed. I sit down on the bed and put them on, messily and shakily tying them. I grab my over-sized leather jacket and frantically slide it on. I seem to be getting extreme anxiety from this... but I don't understand. I had no feelings for Gerard whatsoever, so why was this happening to me?

At least, I thought I didn't have any feelings toward him.

I shake all these thoughts away. I just need to forget about all that stuff... just focus on what I'm doing. Find Gerard. I jump from my bed, and out of my room. It feels weird. Weird to be out of my room. The cracked white walls of the place give a weird atmosphere, and I don't like it. It's cold, and I shiver. I don't know how Gerard can withstand living in this creepy place.

I look to my left, somewhere I haven't been before, and see a lonely brown door, much like mine. I approach it. I'm drawn to the door. Therefore, I have to follow my instincts, and open it. So I do. I open the door, and it creaks. What's inside, makes my eyes widen.

It's Gerard's room.

The room's tiny. It's much, much smaller than my room- but ironically, it's packed with a lot of things, whilst my huge room had nothing but a bed.

Gerard's bed is extremely short, the covers half on the bed, half on the ground. There are papers scattered everywhere- they look like they could be drawings. There are empty pill bottles everywhere, along with a varied amount of leather jackets.

And there's a window, placed just above the bed. It emits light throughout the whole room. It's shattered slightly, and I can guess how it happened.

But there's no Gerard.

I sigh and turn away from the haphazard room. There's only one place left to check, and that's the kitchen.

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