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"Mom." I whispered as I abruptly stood up, I could feel Wujin trying to desperately pull me back down.

"What are you doing?" Wujin asked me in a low tone, still trying to pull me back onto the ground.

"Mom." I replied, I assume it shocked him as he quickly stopped pulling on my arm.

My mom had begun to slowly walk in our direction, I could see how she was limping and that her clothes were teared up. That's when I realised that those were the clothes that she wore when me and Jiwoo rushed out of the door.

Tears began to flow down my face as I looked at her in horror.

"Someone pull her down!" I could hear Suhyeok whisper as few hands quickly grabbed onto me, pulling me down yet my eyes remained stuck on my mom. Small sobs left my lips as Wujin had to cover my mouth to make sure we didn't attract many zombies. His other arm wrapped around my body, pulling me into a hug as I could see everyone give me sympathetic looks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I could hear Wujin whisper to me as I continued to cry, my eyesight becoming blurry due to the overflowing tears.

"We have to get out of here." I could hear Cheongsan whisper as I finally calmed down, yet the thought of my mother becoming one of those flesh eating monsters continued to haunt me. "We have to go along the wall."

We soon slowly rose from our spots before climbing over the plant pots and running to the side of the wall. We began to run across the plant bed with me constantly looking back at my mom until she was no longer in sight, leaving my heart to ache greatly.

We had managed to make it past the flower bed and were now hiding behind a truck. Daesu quickly ran to the front and established that he was going first before climbing under the truck, soon being followed by Wujin and Joonyeong and I was now left alone.

Onjo seemed to notice as well as she quickly grabbed onto my hand, smiling at me lightly as she did so before turning back to the front.

Out of nowhere, Cheongsan stood up, he seems to be staring at something but we couldn't see.

"Is that you, mom?" The sudden question caused me to widen my eyes as I quickly looked up at the boy.

Growling could be heard from the other side of the truck as Cheongsan tried to climb onto the truck but was quickly pulled back down by Onjo.

"What the hell?" I heard Daesu exclaimed as I immediately stood up and looked over, only to see Cheongsan's, now, zombie mom being attacked by the boy. "There's another zombie here!"

Cheongsan had now managed to pull himself off the floor as Wujin and Joonyeong had joined in to help Daesu.

"Stop it. I said stop that!" Cheongsan demanded as he swiftly hauled himself over the truck. He then pushed all of the guys away as he began to mainly attack Daesu, throwing hard punches at the poor boy.

Once Daesu had managed to push Cheongsan off the boy then went for Wujin and Joonyeong who were both still attacking Cheongsan's mom.

Suhyeok had to run over and hold Cheongsan still as we all quickly followed.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Cheongsan shouted, trying to ply Suhyeok's hands off him as Onjo quickly grabbed a hold of the boy as well. "Mom!"

Once Cheongsan had shouted the three boys froze, shock expressions appeared on their faces as they kept looking between Cheongsan and his mom. Sobs had begun to leave his mouth as we all stood still, unsure on what we could do to help.

Cheongsan had slowly sunk to the ground as he continued to cry. All of a sudden, Namra grabbed onto my arm and gently pushed me forward.

"Hurry. We've got to go." Immediately after she said that, the sound of snarling zombies came into earshot.

"Run!" Suhyeok exclaimed.

"Hey, let's go." Wujin spoke as he grabbed my hand and began to pull me away. I turned back to see that the others had quickly followed before turning back.

We had finally made it up a small hill when Joonyeong suddenly spoke, looking back as he did so.

"Where are the others?" After only receiving silence he quickly continued. "Where are they?"

We remained in position, looking back in hopes that the missing for would come running after us.

Soon enough, they had come back into sight which immediately signal that we could keep going. We continued to run down the dark pathway, slowly running out of air.

I turned around to make sure we were all still together but that's when I noticed something.

"Where's Hyoryeong and Jimin?" This question made Wujin pause as we both looked at each other before immediately turning around and running back.

"Hyoryeong!" Wujin shouted as he quickly gave me a stick before grabbing onto the other girl and pulling her back. I managed to ram my body into the upcoming zombie as we were both sent to the floor.

I immediately sat up as I watched the zombie begin to crawl towards me. I quickly ducked away as the zombie began to charge at me, expecting the worst, but was shocked when all I heard was a loud thud.

I looked up to see that the zombie had an arrow in it and before I knew it another one, that was charging in our direction, was also knocked down.

Wujin quickly helped Hyoryeong get up as I also rose from my place, looking down the path as a silhouette came into sight, followed by two others who seemed to be pulling something on a ramp.

"Sister." Wujin spoke, causing me to look at him surprised before turning back to the person as she was now right next to us, positioning her arrows in case any new zombies came. After shooting one, she quickly turned to us.

"Wujin." She said whilst grabbing onto my arm.

"What are you doing here?" Wujin asked.

"Come one. Get going." She began to push us forward, to which we quickly obliged as Wujin gave Hyoryeong to another girl as both me and him quickly helped the other guy with pushing the ramp.

Soon enough we had managed to catch up to the others as we quickly ran inside the sports building but Namra had stopped right in front of us.

"What wrong, Namra?" Joonyeong questioned as I watched him approach her.



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