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Here's a double update! Only a few more chapters left and then we're finished! What ending are you guys expecting?

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Here's a double update! Only a few more chapters left and then we're finished! What ending are you guys expecting?

- Lexi

"It's you, Onjo. I like you." Cheongsan continued as we all watched attentively, surprised that the boy actually managed to confess to the girl.

"Hey. Stop that." Onjo scoffed as she turned to look at all of us. "He doesn't mean it. He's just kidding. I mean, we were friends and neighbours since kindergarten, that's all. Stop joking."

"I'm not joking. Ever since I was six years old, I've always liked you, Onjo. And I always will." This confession seemed to shock the girl as she quickly got up from the floor and walked over to the side of the rooftop as we all remained still in place, still quite shocked at what had just happened.

"Cheongsan." Suhyeok spoke up before nodding his head in the direction of Onjo, signalling the other boy to go shoot his shot, to which he did as he began to walk over."

"Did you know? I had no idea." Daesu questioned as his mouth remained slightly agape.

"You're the only one who didn't know." I pointed out as Daesu began to look quite offended.

"Everyone else knew?" He questioned as we all nodded our heads. "Why didn't I know?"

"I didn't know either." Wujin confessed.

"Because you're you." Hyoryeong replied to Daesu's question.

"Cheongsan's so cool." Wujin spoke again, admiration evident in his voice.

"Hey, how will you do it?" Daesu questioned.

"What?" Wujin looked confused at his friend. I watched as Daesu signalled to our connected hands, causing Wujin to blush.

"Stop it." Wujin waved his hand at his friend dismissively as our hands still remained together.

All of a sudden, Namra stood up as we all looked in confusion.

"Onjo!" Cheongsan shouted, causing us to all look in the direction of the girl as we quickly stood up after seeing Gwinam grabbing a hold of Onjo.

Cheongsan and Gwinam both charged at each other but Cheongsan was quickly sent to the floor with a loud thud.

"Cheongsan!" Suhyeok screamed. I watched as he ran over to the two whilst Cheongsan seemed to be letting out painful cries.
Onjo was quick to run over as well trying to pry Gwinam off of Cheongsan but she was quickly sent flying across the rooftop.

"Onjo." Jimin and Hyoryeong called out as they ran to the, now, injured girl. Suhyeok immediately kicked gwinam off of Cheongsan as the two began to fight each other whilst the other guys went and dragged the other injured person away from the chaos.

I had managed to creep away from the group as I quickly grabbed ahold of a large wooden plank. As I turned back around, I saw Suhyeok being sent flying into the large stack of chairs.

"Who are you?" Gwinam questioned as I had managed to make it back to the group undetected and was hiding the stick behind my back.

"What the hell are you? You come from the One Heart club?" Daesu spoke up causing Gwinam to look at his jacket and scoff.

"It's me. Yeah. You don't know? How the fuck do you not know me?"

"I know you. You said it many times before. You're the bullies' gopher." Cheongsan answered as Gwinam quickly mocked an attacking motion towards the other boy.

"If you call me that again, I'll kill you." Gwinam said whilst holding his index finger up, almost like he was disciplining us.

"You weren't a gangster and you weren't a good student. And now you're not a human and you're not a zombie either. No matter the time or place... you're nothing." Cheongsan spoke up bravely, causing Gwinam to nod his head.

"I won't just kill you. I'll gauge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. Oh, yeah. Everyone but Cheongsan can go. Unless you wanna die with him." Gwinam announced looking around at all of us but no one seemed to move. My hands still gripped around the large plank as the boys began to get into fighting positions. "You're all dead."

Gwinam immediately charged at us and grabbed a hold of Cheongsan's neck whilst the rest of us began to try prying him off the boy.

"Move." I demanded as Wujin ducked out of the way once I smashed the plank onto Gwinam's head, causing the large object to be broken in half.

Instantly after this Gwinam had let go of Cheongsan and before I knew it I was sent flying into a small group of chairs, pain shooting through my body.

I remained lying there for a few moments, quite winded, whilst hearing the grunts and screams coming from behind me.

All of a sudden, Joonyeong was sent straight to under my feet as his glasses had fallen next to me. I grabbed a hold of them before sitting up slowly, my shoulders aching as I quickly handed them back to the boy.

A small groan left my mouth as I arose from my place, grabbing a hold of another plank. I charged at Gwinam and smashed the plank onto his back. It immediately broke as I quickly dropped the remains, throwing a punch towards the boys face but was quickly intercepted as his hand gripped onto my neck.

My breath was cut short as I struggled to pry him off of me. I could hear the others shouting my name as black dots started to appear in my vision.

Just as my vision was about to fully disappear I felt my body be flung from the air and land onto the ground with a thud, my head being knocked onto the concrete floor as my eye sight began to grow blurry. Immediately gasping for air I laid still, my body aching all over as I felt someone grab a hold of my shoulders and begin to aggressively shake my body.

Muffled shouts filled my ears as I began to drift in and out of consciousness, only being able to make out a few words. Black blobs began to intercept my vision again as I could feel my eyes begin to slowly close, the shouts growing louder as my breathing became a harder activity until finally everything stopped. I let darkness overtake my body as I could feel all of my senses begin to disappear, the last audible thing I could hear was someone shouting out my name.


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