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Everyone was now standing in front of the large window, watching both of the suspected infected people. Gyeongsu was sat on the large chair, looking like he was sewing something whilst Jiwon was sat on the floor, her back leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. She was most likely trying to collect her thoughts.

After a little while a few of us moved away from the window and sat down at the large table, talking about what we thought the zombies were attracted to.

"Maybe they're drawn to smell." Wujin spoke before continuing, this time looking at Daesu, "They go after you like crazy."

"I don't smell." Daesu shook his head as he spoke.

"You sweat a lot." Jimin pointed out but was immediately denied.

"I sweat but I don't smell." His answer caused everyone to go back to thinking of what they could be attracted to.

"I think they're more drawn to sound than smell." I finally spoke up, remembering all the times I encountered a zombie, "when I screamed a little while back it seemed that it attracted more."

"Sound?" Jimin questioned.

"Yes sound." I responded to her question.

"This isn't a movie." Joonyeong stated, bringing the mirror away from his face.

"That's how most zombies are. And you saw their eyes. They can't see with those eyes." Daesu explained as everyone remembered the zombies that they had to see.

After that exchange we continued to discuss the possibilities, me and Wujin were sat next to each other, my right hand was being held in his left with his thumb gently rubbing circles onto mine as we all began to take turns with the mirror. Trying to wipe as much blood off our faces as we could.

"Miss Park. It's been more than 30 minutes, but Gyeongsu won't come out." Cheongsan had spoken up, we all turned to see him facing the teacher, worry was laced in his voice.

"What about Jiwon?" I questioned, making him turn to face me.

"She isn't responding to the knocks." He answered as I nodded my head a bit.

"Okay. I'll bring them out." Miss Park had now walked into the room as we all went to stand in front of the window to watch what was going on.

"They're both fine." Daesu remarked, looking in to see them.

"I knew they were fine." Suhyeok said, a small smile on his face as he looked at his non-infected friends.

"Why is he being so stubborn?" Cheongsan questioned, still disappointed that he couldn't convince his friend to come out of the room. "And Jiwon, why hasn't she opened her eyes in so long?"

"Usually she would have opened them by now." I responded to the question, looking through the window at my sister, confusion written all over my face.

After a few more seconds we could see Miss Park walk towards the door, without Jiwon or Gyeongsu following.

"What did they say?" Cheongsan asked, standing in front of the teacher.

"Gyeongsu said he'll do the full hour and Jiwon is not responding." Miss Park explained causing to turn back to look at them in worry.

"He's sulking." Daesu said looking back into the room as well.

"I'll go in." Cheongsan immediately offered but was immediately denied as Jimin spoke.

"Why should you?" She began causing everyone to turn to look at her, "If anyone should go in, it's Nayeon." Everyone had now turned to face the obnoxious girl, waiting to hear a response for Jimin's statement.

"Why should I?" Nayeon sharply questioned.

"He's like that because of you. And we don't even know what's going on with Jiwon as it seems she's shut everyone and everything out." Jimin spoke slightly approaching the girl before she was held back by Onjo.

"What did I do?" Nayeon questioned.

"Like you don't know?" Jimin responded to her very blunt question.

"Was it wrong to suspect them? You did too. Every last one of you." Nayeon spoke again, still trying to weasel her way out of yet another problem she created.

"I didn't suspect them." Cheongsan stated which was soon followed by Daesu.

"Me neither." Daesu spoke, raising his hand to show that he was on both Gyeongsu and Jiwons side.

"Why would suspect my own sister?" I questioned, staring right at Nayeon.

"I did. She's right." Jimin confessed before continuing, "But I didn't look down on them like you did."

"Why are you picking on me?" Nayeon questioned after realising she wasn't going to win the argument.

"You're the only one acting that way." Jimin answered before she was stopped by Miss Park.

"That's enough, Jimin." This demand made Jimin turn around in annoyance, walking back towards us as we could here Miss Park sigh a little, walking over to Nayeon before continuing, "You remember your promise, right? That you'd apologise after 30 minutes."

"Yes." Nayeon mumbled in annoyance.

"It's been 30 minutes." The teacher stated, folding her arms whilst still looking down at the girl.

"Fine." Nayeon stated, looking at all of us before walking into the room, immediately closing the door afterwards. She turned to look at us through the window as I could see Daesu slightly duck down, trying to avoid her gaze.

She began walking over to Gyeongsu as he still refused to face her. The whole situation was being narrated by Daesu as we all watched.

We could see Nayeon begin to talk to Gyeongsu causing Jiwon to open her eyes for the first time, shocking us all as her eyes felt like they could shoot daggers as she looked at Nayeon.

"Jiwons opened her eyes!" Daesu whisper shouted.

We then saw Nayeon walk over to Gyeongsu before he turned to face her and began talking with her.

Suddenly, Nayeon grabbed his hand before pulling out a cloth and rubbing it on his wound and though everyone seemed quite happy but to me something seemed suspicious. Why would she suddenly turn nice?

After rubbing Gyeongsu's hand she then walked over to Jiwon grabbing her arm before also rubbing the cloth on her wound, it seemed like Nayeon was still talking but the only thing I could really see was Jiwon glaring at the accuser.

Nayeon then turned to face both of them before she began making her way back to the door, everyone had gotten up and walked over to the door to clap for Nayeon whilst I remained in my original place watching how both Jiwon and Gyeongsu charged at the girl, Jiwon taking the lead as she managed to get a kicked at Nayeons back, sending her straight to the ground as both Gyeongsu and Jiwon had to be held back by the group.

"You're really a fucking cheat." Gyeongsu screamed as everyone turned to face Nayeon in shock at the boy's revelation.

What could she have possibly said?


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