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Hailee's pov
"Jackson!" I shout through the whole house. "What!?" He shouts back. I think he's in the backyard with Violet. I walk my over and see them playing in the sand box. "Take me shopping" I tower over him. He looks up at me and raises his eyebrow.

"A please would be nice" he crashes a car toy with Violet and she laughs. "Fine, please take me to go shopping" I ask again. Nicer this time. "Alright, let's go" he picks up Violet and brings her inside with us.

"Mom we're going shopping" I announce to the world. "Alright, here take this" she hands me her card. "Thanks" Jackson gets his keys and we head out. We take his Rose gold car because...I actually don't know why.

"Why are we taking your fancy car?" I ask getting in the passenger side. "To make a good impression" he says putting some sunglasses on and turning the car on. "Here, you will need them" he hands me some. I put them on. Still not knowing why we have to wear these.

"Got everything?" He ask looking at me. I nod my head and he zooms off on the road. If Lizzie saw this, she will literally have a heart attack.

The windows were down, sunglasses on, music on and were just living the life. The mall is a bit further away so we get to go on a busy road but has palm trees everywhere. It's so pretty. "So I put my hands up. They're playing my song" I sing out. "The butterflies fly away" JJ continues.

We jam to the music until we arrived at the mall. When we pull up, we see some girls looking at us, well mostly JJ. He parks the car and we get out. "Stay cool" he says as we make our way to the entrance. "Wasn't I already being cool?" He laughs.

"Where to first?" He ask knowing I was the one who wanted to come here. "Gucci" I drag his ass towards the store. We look around for a bit. JJ found a Gucci belt and I found some Gucci flip flops. "Ready?" I ask my brother. He nods his head and we go pay.

We walk out and we see paparazzi surrounding us. Whyyyyyyy. "Who's the girl?" "Is that your sister?" "When's your next photo shoot?" "Can I get your autograph?" People are shouting left to right. I hate it.

Jackson's pov
Paparazzi can be so annoying sometimes but that's their job. I notice that Hailee seems annoyed and stressed. Mom told me she has anxiety with these situations. "Hey, can you guys back up a little?" I ask them nicely.

Some listen but others don't. "JJ" I hear Hailee whisper next to me. I grab her hand and try to push people out of the way so that we can leave. "Back off!" I shoved someone back since they were getting to close to Hailee.

By this time, she was shaking so I lift her up and carry her. She wraps her arms and legs around me and hides her face in my neck. "Hey isn't that Kevin Hart?" I look behind me to see Kennedy and Autumn with bags in their hands.

I smile at them as paparazzi leaves to look for Kevin. He isn't even here but they can go look for all I care. I turn around so that I'm now facing my friends. "Thanks" they nod at me. "Is guys sister okay?" Kennedy ask looking at her concerned.

"Yeah, she will be" Haiz taps my back so I set her down. "I see you got some Gucci" Autumn smiles at Hailee. "Yeah. Got sole flip flops and JJ got a belt" she tells them. "Awesome" they both say. "Well we should get going" Autumn says walking away but I stop her.

"Wanna shop with us?" Hailee ask instead of me. "Um sure" she answers and we make our way to other stores. We shop for a bit until we had to leave. "See you later" Hailee waves at them as we walk to the car.

"I see your growing on them" I grab her bags for her and throw them in the back. "They are nice" she smiles. I laugh as we get in the car and I drive off. I play some music for us to listen too.

We're at a stop light so we wait patiently. Finally turns green. "You know, you should date-" she was cut off by someone hitting us. Hard. Then next thing I know is that I could hear people shout around me but everything went black.

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now