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Violet's pov
When we got home, I went straight to my room to find my dolls. I want to show Chrissy's girlfriend my dolls. I look around but I couldn't find the one I wanted. It was the Moana one. "It's not here" I look under my bed. Maybe it's in moms room.

I run out and look but it wasn't there. I'm getting frustrated so I storm downstairs to ask momma if she seen it. "Momma?" I pull on her shirt. "Careful babes, momma has a knife" she tells me as she places it on the counter then lifts me up.

I snuggle to her because she's always comfy. "What's wrong babes?" She asks as she rubs my back. "I can't find Moana" "did you look in your room?" I nod my head. "Is this Moana?" I look up and see Alba with it in her hand.

I nod my head and momma walks over to her with me. I reach for it and she hands it to me. But I then reach for her. She accepts to hold me and now I'm in her arms showing her the doll. "Can you say thank you?" Momma asks and I look up and Alba. "Thank you" "you are very welcome".

I like Alba. I don't know why Hailee doesn't like her. She's nice. And funny. Momma is finishing up the snacks as Alba and I are playing in the living room. Chris, Hailee and mommy are there too.

Hailee is talking to mommy about something called cotton candy? I don't know what that is. Apparently it's going to be at the wedding so I hope it's good. "Who's this?" Chrissy asks and I look up. He's holding Cinderella. "That's Cinderella silly" I tell him and he laughs. "Oh yeah right" he then starts playing with us.

After a moment, momma came in with some snacks. There was something different and I didn't know what it was. "What's that?" I also getting up and sitting on mommas lap. "Those are Pretzels" I had no idea what that was.

"It's yummy" she says picking one up. I trust her so I eat it. "Hmm yummy!" She grabs some more and puts on a plate and holds it for me. "Don't make a mess you two" mommy says as Chrissy and Hailee are throwing some grapes in their mouths. It's funny. I try it with a pretzel and I miss completely.

They all started laughing. "Let's watch Frozen" Chris said putting it on. He really likes his princess. I think he might be one. We watch the movie until I had to go potty. "I need to go potty" I whisper to momma and she nods. She was about to get up but Alba stops her.

"I'll take her. I need to wash my hands anyways" she says extending her hand for me to take. I gladly jump off momma and run towards her and grab it. We both walk to the bathroom.

"Do you need help?" She asks me. I do but I think I got this. "No" she nods her head and I walk in and turn the light on. There's a little stool for me so it's easier. I do my business then use the stool to help wash my hands.

After I finished, I open the door because I remembered that Alba needed to wash her hands. "You can wash your hands now" I tell and she smiles walking in. She washes her hand with my favourite soap that mommy bought a couple days ago. It smells just like her.


"So do you go to school?" She asks me staring a conversation as I'm sitting on the ground waiting for her. "No, I'm only four" I show her my four fingers. "Amazing! You will probably go when you're 5" she wipes her hands on the towel. "Really!?" I ask getting up and taking her hand as she leads us to the hallway.

"Yup! You'll be in kindergarten I think and it will be fun" now I'm excited for when I turn 5. "Can i have juice?" I ask her as we arrive to the kitchen. "Will your mothers let you?" She asks and I nod my head. "Okay" she picks me up and sets me on the counter. "Don't move. I don't want this princess to fall" she tells me and I nod sitting there patiently.

I then see Hailee walk in. She walks to me and picks me up. "Want to go finish the movie?" She ask. I nod my head but I still want my juice. "Alba is getting my juice" I tell her and she nods and we wait. "Here you go princess" she hands me a sippy cup.

"Thanks" she smiles and walks away. I look at see Hailee looking sad. "Hailee she's nice" "I know I'm trying" she says and we make our way back to the living room.

Hailee's pov
Vi told me that Alba is nice and I know she is. It's just hard. Why? I really don't know. We walk back and I see Alba sitting next to dad so as a nice person that I am, I sit next to her. I really didn't want too, but my parents really want us to bond so. Here I am.

"Hey" she smiles. "Hi" that's all we said. At least we're getting somewhere. During the movie, I was thinking about the possibility for us to bond. We could have a girls day? Idk. But then it hit me. I don't think she's seen any of dads baby pictures.

That's what I'm going to do. We can make fun of him together. The movie is finally done and momma is clearing the snacks with the help of mom. "Hey" I speak as she was getting up. "What's up?" She sits back down. "Can I show you something?" She nods her head and follows me upstairs.

"So, what do you want to show me?" I lead her into the library and walk over to a shelves with photo albums. I pick one up and I open it up. "No way!" She says looking at then photos. "Baby Chris" she says and that makes me laugh.

We look at the book for a bit and we didn't even hear dad walk in. "Whatcha laughing at?" He asks looking over my shoulder. "Hey! I was 2!" He said snatching the book from my hands and closing it. "Hey we were looking at that" I told him. "Now we can look at this" he pulled out my album. Honestly, I don't even know how they got baby pictures of me.

It's not like they were with me growing up...

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now