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Hailee's pov
I'm feeling much better now which is good. Felt like I was dying for a second. I stayed with my dad for two weeks since it's been a while since I haven't stayed with him. But I'm leaving today because my moms miss me.

During those weeks, Alba 🙄 came over. I didn't talk to her. Only if I REALLY needed too. I still don't like her but dad is literally about to bribe me into liking her. Speaking of her...she's here right now cooking me lunch because dad is out getting things for an interview or something. She's been cooking lunch and supper for a while now.

What I'm doing right now is sitting on a stool at the kitchen island watching TikToks. I don't know what she's making but it smells good but the looks can kill. I then had an idea. "Have I ever told you that you're an amazing cook and your food tastes sooo good?" I ask her as I'm secretly recording a TikTok.

"No, you haven't" she turns to me. I flip the camera so it's now facing her. "So why do you keep cooking?" She tilts her head and rolls her eyes as I'm laughing my ass off. "Anddddd post" I post it already getting likes.

I then get a text from mom saying that we are going to go to the Oscars!!!! Basically the whole marvel cast will be there but Violet is too young so she's staying with Jarnette. Then another text saying that momma (mama) will be here soon to pick me up.

"Mama is picking me up soon so I don't have to eat that...food" I get up from my seat to get my bag from my room. I lay on my bed because I got bored. So I go on my TikTok and see that I have over 2 million likes on the post I just posted.

I hear a knock at my door and I let them in. "Hi Hailee" I look up to see mama standing there. I rush up to her and hug her. "I missed you" I tell her. "I missed you more trust me" she hugs me tighter. "You need to save me from Alba" I whisper.

"Hailee you need to be nice to her" she tells me. "Have you tasted her food?" I ask her. She laughs laughing into my hair. "Yes and it's delicious" she lets me go. "No need to lie" she rolls her eyes. "Are you ready to go?" She picks my bag up and flings it over her shoulder.

"Yes, carry me?" I open my arms again. She walks over to me and lifts me up. I wrap my arms and legs around her and she walks out of my room down the stairs. "Bye Alba" mama says walking out the door. She walks us to the car and helps me in. She then puts my bag in the back.

"You ready for the Oscars?" Mama ask me as she gets in the car and starts it. "Yeah should be fun. I never went" I tell her truthfully. "It'll be fun and your probably going to be the youngest there" great. No friends. "Wait actually I think your friend Olivia will be there" my eyes lit up.

"Yes! I won't be lonely" "hey me and mom are going to be there with you" I laugh. We drive back home and immediately we had to get ready for the Oscars.

Time skip to the Oscars...

Okay so I'm freaking out right now. I'm standing on the red carpet with mom and mama with me, smiling at the cameras. "Why are they so bright" I say as I'm still smiling. "It's going to make me blind by the end of the night" mama says and I laugh.

After a while of that. Mama and mom went off to have a mini interview and I had one right now. By myself. Shitting my pants. "Hey Hailee, I love what your wearing" the woman who's name is Sarah tells me. "Thank you" I smile.

"So I hear that your mother's are getting married soon. That's exciting" I nod my head. "Yeah and I'm planning it all" "wow amazing how a thirteen year old can do all of that" Sarah says to the camera.

"Well I did get help from some people but not to much" I tell her. "That's nice. Now I just got a message that you and Olivia haven't seen each other in a while. Probably since the last photo shoot you've done" I nod my head.

"Yeah kinda wish she was here right now. Mama told me that she would be" I sigh. Sarah gives me a sad look but then she lights up. "Well turn around" Sarah says. I raise my eyebrow and turn around.

I see Olivia standing there with an amazing black dress. We chose to wear the same one because mama and Aubrey did that once.  "Make sure you get this moment" Sarah says but I ignored it. "Olivia!" I shout hugging her to death. "I thought you wouldn't show up" I let her go. "Of course I wouldn't" she then looks at the camera.

"Gucci better be ready for us" she then winks. Wait. Am I missing something? "Oh they will. And we see here that the girls are twining. Now go have fun" Sarah ends the interview and Olivia and I head towards me mothers. "Hey Olivia" the both greet her.

"Shall we head inside?" Mom ask and I nod. Olivia and I walk behind my moms who are holding hands. How cute. We find our seats and guess what...we're sitting right next to Will Smith and Jada. I'm shitting my pants. I always wanted to meet him. He's sooo cool.

We wait patiently then Chris Rock, I think that's his name, started to talk. Then Billie Eilish sang which was amazing. Then other things. There's a joke going on that I didn't understand but mom and mama knew.

The next thing I know is that Will Smith gets up and walks up on stage. "What's he doing?" I whisper to Olivia. "I don't know" she whispers back. What Will Smith did next made me think that he's stupid.

Guess what happened lmao

Guess what happened lmao

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(Lizzie's outfit)

(Scarlett's outfit)

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(Scarlett's outfit)

(Olivia and Hailee's outfit)

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(Olivia and Hailee's outfit)

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now