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Not proofread like always

Chris' pov
I woke up to someone crawling in my bed so I look over and see Hailee laying there looking dead. Literally. Her face is pale and she's also crossing her arms like a dead person.

"Haiz, you good?" I ask her turning around a little so that I can face her. "I'm dead" she says in her raspy voice that she got from her mother. She also got her sassiness from her and her stubbornness. She got her shyness from me, that's it.

"What do you mean 'I'm dead'" "I feel like I'm dying, I don't feel good" she tells me. I check her how hot she is, and she is kinda hot but that as hot as you should be to get a cold or something.

"Okay, I'll get you some medicine. Do you want to stay here or go to your room?" I ask her standing up and going over to her side. "Stay here. You have a bigger tv" she says and I hand her the remote.

I let her chose what she wants. I got to my bathroom so see if we have any medicine for her but we don't. Great. "Haiz, I'm going to have to go to the store and get some more" I shout and I hear a faint 'okay'.

"Can I come?" She ask coughing alone. "No, you should stay and rest, I won't be long" I made sure she had everything she needed before I left.

I quickly ran to the store and got some things she will be needing and some treats because...I am the cool parent. That's what she told me. Anyways, so that's what I'm doing.

Hailee's pov
I feel like shit.

That's all I gotta say.

I laid in bed for like five hours. Not really. It's been only 2 minutes since dad left. And I'm dying inside. I was about to actually die inside but my phone stared ringing. I don't bother to look who is calling. I just answer.

H: yes?
Z: Hailee? Why do you sound dead?
H: because I am
Z: what's wrong?
H: I'm sick... *cough* *dying*
Z: well feel better soon but we should all hang when you feel better with Noah and them
H: *cough* yeah okay
Z: well I'll leave you be and don't die on me!
H: I-maybe, bye bitch
Z: bye Hailee *laugh*

I hang up and lay my head on the pillow. Can dad actually hurry the fuck up before I actually start to die. Like I know I've been telling myself that I'm dying, but now I feel like I really am. Maybe I should just go to sleep. Yeah that's what I'm going to do.

5 minutes later...

"Ugh!!" I couldn't fall asleep. This is annoying. I feel worst. "Haiz, I'm back" I hear dad run up the stairs and into the room. "Here" he hands me some medicine and I take it. "Thanks" "now rest" he leaves me alone.

Chris' pov
It's been about 2 hours that I let Hailee sleep. I'm walking up to my room when I hear some gagging. I run inside and see her throwing up in the toilet. "Oh no" i help her clean up.

"I want mom" she whispers. "I know but you need to feel better so that you don't get her sick too" i help her on the bed. "No! I want mom right now" her head is all sweaty and she feels even worst.

Whenever she's sick, she will act like a child but it's cute. "I want-" she didn't get to finish. She ran to the bathroom and threw up again. I let her do her business but then it went silent. "Hailee?" I walk over and see her past out on the floor.

Shit. I pick her up phoning scar on the way downstairs. "Scar meet me at the hospital" I tell her before hanging up and going to my car. I drove us to the hospital as fast as I could.

Hailee's pov
I felt someone set me down on a bed so I open my eyes but immediately closed it because of the bright ass light. "Baby?" I hear someone say and brushing some hair out of my face.

I open them back up again and see those same green eyes as mine. "Mom" she smiles at me. I still feel like shit but it's better now. "Hold me" I reach up for her but she laughs. "Scoot over" I do so. It's then I realize that I'm in a hospital room.

"How are you feeling?" She ask me brushing more hair out of my face. "Better now that your here" i cuddle against her. "Wow what about me?" I jump up making me pull of my IV thing.

It comes out of my body and blood drips down my arm. "Chris!" Mom says and he runs out the room to get a doctor I'm guessing. "It hurts" I started to cry. It actually hurts and it doesn't help that I still feel like shit.

"Hey Hailee, I'm just going to put this back in for you" a nice doctor told me but I didn't want her too. "No!" I smack her hand away. "Baby, she needs too" mom takes my hand. "But it hurts" I tell her. She wipes my tears away.

"I know it does but this will help you f-" she didn't get to finish. I started throwing up. Not on her. In a trash can that was beside my bed. I feel someone rub my back and I know it's mom. After I finished, I felt like I was going to die.

"You okay?" Dad ask and I nod my head. "Can you let her put in your IV now?" Mom ask and I think about it. I roll my eyes knowing damn well that mom saw it but I don't care.

I give the lady my arm and she puts it back in. It hurt a little but it's fine now. Mom was about to get up to get something but I refuse to let her go. "Stay!" I harshly pull her back down. I didn't mean to do it that mean but I want her to stay. 

"I'll stay with you" she kisses my head. I put my head on her shoulder and fall asleep. What came next is something I never want to happen again. Ever.

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now