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Hailee's pov
I can hear people talking. Someone holding my hand. I open my eyes and see Diego holding it while looking somewhere else. I squeeze his hand to tell him that I'm awake. "Ohh thank god your awake" he lets go of my hand and gets up and hands me a glass of water.

"What happened? Wait, where am I?" I look around and see that I'm not at the beach or my moms house. "This is my casa" I know a bit of Spanish so I knew what that meant. "Well not really mine... it's my family's" I nod my head then I hear someone running down the stairs.

"Dig we found him" the young girl said. She looks around my age. "Found who?" I ask her but she doesn't answer. "I want my mothers" i whine. "Yes, they are on their way miss Johansson" he says and I nod my head.

"Is this Hailee?" The girl asks while handing Dig an iPad with some information on it. "Yes it is. Hailee this is my sister, Antonia" I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you" she smiles.

I then take my time to actually look around. I'm in the living room and it's mostly all black. Black curtains, black chairs. Everything. I then look over and notice that Antonia has a small Rose tattoo behind her ear. It's beautiful.

"Are you sure you're not in the Mafia?" I ask him. "So he's 37 years old. He's been stalking you guys for a bit now" he ignores my question. I'm just guessing that he is. I then notice that Antonia came and sat next to me.

"How's your face?" She asks me. "My what?" "Your face" she hands me a mirror and there's a bandage with Scarlet Witch on it. "A bullet grazed your face but you'll be fine" she tells me. "Okay. Thank you". That's when we hear the door open and some talking.

Scarlett's pov
After Diego told me what happened to them, we immediately made our way over. I know the Sanchez really well and that's were my baby is. Raf opens the door for us and we walk in. I immediately see Maria, the twins mothers.

"Oh hi princess, it's been so long" she comes up to me and hugs me. "You're daughter is this way" I nod and we follow her to the living room. We enter the room and I see Hailee sitting on the couch with Antonia beside. Dig is beside them in a chair.

"You okay babe?" I ask her as I make my way to her. "Yes, I'm okay" I nod my head and look at the bandage. "Really? Wanda?" I look at Dig and he just laughs. "I thought he couldn't laugh" Hailee said making everyone in the room laugh.

"What is going on here?" I hear a cold, familiar voice come through the room. I look up and see the twins father. Santiago. "Hello Santiago" he looks at me for a bit then smiles. He brings me into a hug. "How are you?" He asks. "I'm good thank you"

"I see my boys are doing their jobs" he looks over at Hailee. "Yes they are" he then looks over to where Liz, Vi and Raf were standing. "Rafael" he says coldly. "Father" Raf says. "Scarlett, who are these people?" He asks looking at Lizzie.

"Um remember when I told you that I found the perfect-" "Oh this must be Elizabeth" Maria interrupts me. "Yes it is and this is our other daughter, Violet" Maria makes her way over to them and hugs them both. "It's finally nice to meet you two" Maria tells them. "Likewise" Lizzie answers. I know they will get along really well. They both love cooking.

Maria and liz starts talking as Tiago makes his way to Dig to look at the iPad he has with information about something. I then realized that I haven't see Toni since she was a little baby. "Hey Toni" I sit in front of them on the floor. Because why not.

"You still calm me that" she playfully rolls her eyes. She's like my little sister so it's okay. "You still have that attitude" she then hugs me. "Miss you Scar" "miss you too...Toni" she sighs and I laugh. "What the fuck is happening!?" Hailee asks looking really confused.

Hailee's pov
Okay what the hell is going on? I swear the god this family is apart of the Mafia. I'm not joking. First there's this man that looks scary as hell. Then mom is interacting with them like she known them for a while. Now moms hugging Antonia. Or Toni. I don't know.

"What the fuck is happening!?" I ask mom and she glares at me. "Wrong move. She hates bad words" Antonia tells me. "Who are these people and how do you know them?" I ignore what the girl told me.

"I didn't want to tell you this but I guess I have to now" she tells me as sits down next to me holding my hand. "This is the Sanchez family. They are basically my other family. They took care of me when my own mother couldn't. That man over there, that's Santiago. He's the dad. The leader" okay she said leader. Sooo...

"So they are in the Mafia" I tell her and she sighs. Antonia just laughs. "Hailee please" mom tells me and I nod my head letting her continue. "That lady over there talking to momma is Maria. That's Antonia the little brat and that's Diego and Rafael as you already know" I nod my head looking at each and everyone of them.

Rafael and Diego are cool I guess. I mean I've known them for like a day or something. Santiago looks scary as hell. Don't want to mess with him. Maria seems really nice. Probably the nicest one of them. Then there's Antonia... I don't know about her.

"The twins and I met back in high school. They were in most of my classes and we became friends. One day, my mother...she would hit me and stuff so the Sanchez took me in for a while. They became my family. Then this one day something happened that lead to the twins to look after me like they are my bodyguards. I didn't really know much of it then but things happened that I don't want you to know. Not yet anyways" fuck I want to know now.

"Their family helped me with that problem and it's all good now. But last week, something happened and I don't want you to worry because we're taking care of it-" I stopped her. "I just got shot at woman!" I tell her a little too loud.

"That is no way to speak to your mother young lady" Maria says looking over at me. "Sorry" I lower my head and she continues to do whatever she was doing before. "I know you did and that's why I'm telling you what's going on. Well some of it" she looks over at Santiago and he nods his head.

"There's this man out there trying to hurt our family" I tilt my head. "Why?" "I don't know why baby. Some people are sick" I nod my head. "It's the same man that hurt me in the past so that's why we have the twins with us. To protect us. To protect you and Violet"

"Okay" that's all I can say. I don't know what to tell her. "We found a location" I look up and see Dig getting up with the iPad. "Boys...you know what to do" Santiago said to the twins and some other boys came along. "Okay what the actual fuck is going on cause this isn't a normal family" i wave my hands around dramatically.

I then hear some clicks that comes from guns. I look over and see them check their guns. "Um mom..." I point over and she looks. "I know" that's all she says. I swear to god this is Mafia business. I swear to god it is.

If that you need a better summary of what happened to Scarlett let me know and I'll put it in the next chapter okay love you!

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now