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Lizzie's pov
I woke up to some light crying coming from Violet's room. I look around and I hear the shower running so Scar must be in there. I get up to go see what's wrong with Vi. As I peak through the door, I see her sitting on her bed cuddling Mr. Cuddles.

I walk up to her, sit on her bed and she immediately climbs in my arm and snuggles against my chest. "Why is my baby girl crying?" I ask her as I make her look up at me. "Mr. Cuddles" she cries.

I look down and see that Mr. Cuddles has something slimy on it. "What's this?" I ask her lifting up her teddy bear. "Hailee's slime" she said whipping her tears away. I knew I shouldn't have let them play with slime the other day.

"I don't know if we can fix this" I examine it closely and the slime is really stuck on it. It's hard as a rock now. "I'm sorry baby but-" I look over and see her bottom lip quiver. "I want Mr. Cuddles" she's now crying.

"I know, I know" I rock her back and forth. Then the idea popped in my head. "How about we go find a new teddy bear?" I ask her but she doesn't look exited. "No Mr. Cuddles?" She asks shyly and I nod my head.

I can tell she's thinking about that idea. She does this cute little thing with her tongue. She sticks it out a little while thinking. She's doing that right now. She sighs and hugs me. "I want new teddy" she says and I rub her back.

"Okay we can go to the mall today to find one. Maybe more than one" I told her and her face lights up. It's not like she already has like 50 here in her room right now. But whatever makes her happy, I'll do it.

"Yay!!" She says jumping up and down. "Momma I'm hungry" she says burying her face in my neck. "Okay baby, let's go make some breakfast" I get up and walk to the kitchen with her.

Violet's pov
Momma told me that we could go to the mall today to find me a new teddy bear. I'm so excited! I was dreaming about all my new teddy bears when I felt someone place me on the counter. It was momma.

I look up at her and she smiles back down at me. "What should we make?" Momma says taping her chin. I decide to copy her, taping my chin. "You cutie" she says tickling me. "Should we make crepes?" I don't know what that is but it sounds good.

"Otay" I smile and clap my hands. "Do you know what those are?" I shake my hand and she pulls out her pretty purple phone. It has two camera which is weird but cool at the same time. Momma said that she needs a new one? I don't know why but I like the colour.

"Here" she turns the phone so that I can look at the picture. It looks so good but then I see something white and fluffy on them. It looks gross. "What's dat?" I ask pointing at the white thing. "Oh that's whipped cream" she says. "Its really good" if she says it's good then it must be.

"Shall we start?" I nod my head. I like when momma cooks especially when I'm around. She would play some disney music and she lets me help her sometimes. "Okay so we're going to need a bowl" she says bending down but making sure that one hand is on my stomach just in case I fall over.

She pulls out a bowl then sets her phone down. "Can you stay still so that I can get some ingredients?" Momma asks and I nod my head grabbing her phone and playing games on them. She has this math game for kids that I like to play. Momma says I'm smart for my age.

"Wanna help me crack the eggs?" She sets some things down on the counter. I nod my head and set them phone down. She hands me an egg and I crack it like a pro. "Good job" she praises me and I do the other one.

"Okay now that your done" she puts the egg shells away. "Do you want to mix it?" I nod my head and she hands me a fork and I miss it. After that, she pours in the flower and she helps me pour the milk in. Some splashed on my face but I just laugh it off.

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now