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Hailee's pov
I was now sitting in moms trailer with Vi and Raf with us. Dig was outside standing at the door. "So do you have any siblings?" I ask him while Vi is just watching some tv. "Yes, a little sister" he tells me with a blank face. "Cool...what's her name?" "Antonia"

It goes quiet. All we hear is laughter coming from the tv. I then take my time to actually look at him. He's wearing short sleeve shirt and he has a couple of tattoos. I notice a s small scar on his neck. Then I look down and see that he has a gun. "Why do you have that?" I point to the gun and he doesn't even look down to know what I'm talking about.

"To protect you and your family" he says. It goes quiet again. "Are you in the mafia?" I ask him and stares at me. Damn. If looks could kill I'll be six feet under. "No" hmmm I don't believe him. "Why so many tattoos?" "You do ask a lot of questions little one" he says and I nod my head.

"Are you going to answer?" He shakes his head.  Well this conversation is going great. Don't you think? "So how did you meet my mom?" I ask him and he sighs. "High school" "yeah I knew that already but how?" He doesn't say anything for a bit then finally speaks.

"Something like this happened earlier in her life so we helped her even though we are older than her by two years" he tells me and I nod my head. "Did you even kill anyone?" I ask him getting excited. I don't know why. "Yes" that's all he says. "Cool" he shakes his head.

"Are the girls in there?" I hear mommas voice from outside the trailer. "Yes they are" then the door opens and I see momma with some snacks. "Who's hungry?" She asks and Vi looks up and runs over. "Me" she says and mom laughs.

"Did you know Raf killed someone" I tell mom as I get up from the couch. She freezes a bit then relaxes. "I hope it was of this job" she looks at him and he nods. "And he has a sister names Antonia" I tell her and she nods her head while smiling.

We eat for a bit then mom joins us. We eat all together. Even Raf and Dig did. We can't let them starve. Then I remember that I have surfing practice later today. Oh well. That's a laters problem.

"Okay so here's everyone that we let close to our girls" mom pulls out her phone and scrolls through pictures to show them who we can be near. "Sounds good" they both said. "Why are you guys always so serious?" I ask them. "It's our job" Dig said and I roll my eyes. "Is it your job to be boring all the time?" They nod and I sigh.

"Can I see dad?" I ask mom and she nods. "Bring one of them with you" she tells me. "But dad is like right there" I point out the window and see I'm talk to Renner, Alba and Chris H. "I don't care. Bring one of them" she snaps. Damn okay then.

"Let's go Dig" he opens the door for me and we walk out. As soon as I did, dad notices me and waved me over. I walk over with Dig behind me. "Hey Haiz" Chris H ruffles my hair. "Hey stop. This took me ages" it literally didn't. It's a low ponytail.

"Hey Diego" dad nods his head at him. "So you know each other too?" I ask and they nod. Ugh why can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on. "He's a good man. Him and his twin, even his family. I want you to listen to him okay" dad tells me and I nod. "Promise me you will" "I promise" I tell him and they others look worried.

Diego's pov
Chris is talking to his daughter about how she needs to listen to us. Especially after what happened last time. I'm not risking it. Scar told me a lot about this little one. She's stubborn just like her so we need to make sure that she will listen.

Her mother is stubborn which made it hard for us earlier in the days. Let's just say that we want her to listen so that something doesn't happen to her like it did to Scarlett.

Anyways, I'm looking around because I feel like someone is staring at us. I was right. In the corner of my eyes, I see someone staring at us. They weren't on the list so that's bad. "Hailee, please come with me" I tell her. "What why?" "Hailee listen to him" Chris tells her and she sighs.

I lead her to the car as I'm talking to Raf over my ear piece. "Bring the others. Now" I tell him and says that he's on his way. "Get in" I tell her and she does what i told her too. Soon enough, everyone is here and we drive off.

"What's going on?" Scarlett whispers in my ear as Rafael is driving. "I saw him again. Staring at your daughter" I tell her and she looks mad. And disgusted. This man is trouble. That's all I can say.

Hailee's pov
We got home and they rushed us inside. Dig stayed outside to make sure that we weren't being followed or something while Raf checked inside the house. "Clear" Raf says in his ear piece.

I then remembered that I still have surfing practice. I didn't tell anyone. I kinda forgot. "Um I kinda have surfing at 4" I tell them. "I don't know if you should be going" mom tells me. "But I need too" I tell her. She looks over at the twins and they make eye contact talking to each other like that.

"Fine you can go but you stay close to one of them" she tells me looking at me dead in the eyes. "Yes mom" I go upstairs to get my stuff ready. It was 3:30 so I have time. I do like to walk to the beach which is like 10 minutes away.

I put on my bathing suit the my wetsuit. I go downstairs and grab my board. "Who's taking me?" I ask anyone. "I will" it was Dig. I nod my head and mom and momma both hug me. "Be safe. Take care of her" mom says pointing at him. "Always" he says and we walk out.

We make our way to the beach and I notice that he's looking around. Probably making sure we're fine. We soon arrive to the beach and I see my teammates waiting. "Finally. Who's this?" Noah looks behind me. "That's Diego. My bodyguard" their mouth drops.

"Woah" that's all they say. "Okay let's start" I tell them and they nod. I tell Dig what's happening and he nods his head watching me from the sand. We practice for a bit and now we have a break.

"Nah D.C is better than Marvel" Noah says and we all disagree with him. "Marvel is-" I get cut off by a loud bang. We look around so does Dig. Then there's another one. Everyone starts screaming and running away.

"What's happening?" I ask and a Dig runs by my side and lifts me up so that I'm standing. "Get to safety. Now" he tells the kids and they run to Noah's dad who's looking for them.

We then hear more shots. "Hailee get low and don't ever let go of my hand" he tells me and I grab it. We run, with me still holding his hand. He makes sure that his body is blocking mine so that I don't get it.

I then feel something not but cold skin my cheek. I log my hand up and feel that my cheek is bleeding a little. That doesn't stop me from running though. "Hurry" he says and we run faster.

The next thing I know is that someone is picking me up and I close my eyes. I feel light headed so I rest my head on whoever is carrying me. I'm pretty sure it's Dig. Why does this have to happen?

Okay so what do y'all thing happen to Scarlett earlier in her life? Lmao this should be good.

Oh and should we have like a special bond with the twins?

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now