15 - explanation

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⚠️mention of abuse⚠️

Scarlett's pov
I try to forget about what happened in high school but it's hard. If only I could wipe my memory away from it, I would. But I can't. If only you knew what happened...

Back in high school, senior year, we had this new kid. His name is Roy Perry. He was soon known as the bad boy but that doesn't matter right now.

Just like every other year, there was fun things happening. We all had fun. We had special days that we would prank the teachers and they couldn't get mad at us because it was our last year. Stuff like that. But that one year was completely different. Well for me anyways.

It was the middle of the year and Roy and I were friends. He wasn't such a bad boy around me. Just around his friends. We soon became close then we ended up dating. Everything was fine until a little accident happened...

I ended up being pregnant at 18. I told Roy about it but he didn't believe me. So I took at test in front of him so that he could see for himself.

He didn't like it. That's when the abuse started. He would he me so hard that I ended up having a miscarriage because of it. That's when I met the twins.

I was driving to school one day. I got out of my car and I immediately got pined down by Roy. He started to yell at me and I started to cry. Everything was blurry due to my eyes being watering. I then felt Roy's body off mine.

It was Dig who pushed him off of me. He ask if I was okay and I said that I was. He didn't believe me but he let it go. He introduced me to his twin and we had a bond. They let me met his family and told me that they were kinda in the Mafia. I was fine with that. They told me that no one could hurt me.

So that's when I had the courage to tell them what really happened. They didn't like what Roy did to me so Santiago told the twins to look after me. Like bodyguards. I was fine with that. I was actually glad about it. Roy didn't come near me with them around.

But then I notice that Roy wasn't showing up at school which I didn't really care about. But it was weird for him. I didn't think too much of it. One day, the twins dropped me off at home and I got a  note from someone. I opened it and saw a picture of me in my room changing. The note said that my body was to die for. And it was signed by Roy.

I told the twins this and they talked to their dad. This kept on happening for a good week or so then I randomly stopped. Santiago told me that it was taken care of so now I'm more at ease.

I told mr mom all about this but she didn't believe me. She never does. That's why I didn't tell her about my miscarriage. But the time convinced to tell her so I did. She didn't like that I was pregnant at 18 so she kicked me out.

The Sanchez told me that I can stay with them for a how long I wanted too. I told them that I would pay them for rent but they said that I didn't have too. That's what family is for right?

I wasn't in the right mind set to go back to school so they said that I can be homeschooled which won't be much longer. It was only half a year left. After I graduated, I decided to go to acting school. The Sanchez paid for it and I told them they didn't need to but they wanted to.

So I went to New York and began school. That's when I met Chris Evans. We were good friends. He's really funny and I'm glad I had him with me. Couple years later, we were practically inseparable. We would do anything and everything together.

Then...this one night we went to a nightclub. Let's just say that we got really drunk and might have slept together...

A couple days later, or like a week, I felt really sick and nauseous. I didn't know what it was until it hit me.

(Scarlett at the age of 23)

I was in my bathroom waiting for the results to find out if I was pregnant or not.

"Okay here goes nothing" I looked at the test. Positive. "Shit" I started to cry. I didn't know how to take care of a baby. I can't even take care of myself.

After crying for a while, I had to call Chris and tell him the news. "C-Chris?" I said when he picked up.

"Scarlett? What's wrong?" I could hear him panic.

"Can you come over?" I tried to keep myself calm but I couldn't. I knew at any moment now I would break.

"Okay I'm coming" he said and he hung up and I sat there, numb, not knowing what to do.

Five minutes later...

I could hear the door open and close and someone running up the stairs and into my room. I didn't look up to see who it was but I knew it was Chris.

"Scarlett?" He said walking up to me and pulling me in a hug. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Please don't be mad at me but..." Chris waited for me to say something else but I couldn't. I didn't know how to say it. "I-I'm pregnant" I blurted out.

Chris stood there shocked about what I just told him. "I'm sorry" I burst into tears.

Chris immediately took action and hugged me not wanting to let me go. "Don't be sorry" he said rubbing circles on my back and kissing my head once in a while. "We'll get threw this together. Not matter what you chose to do, I'll be there for you"

I was scared to tell him. I didn't want him to do what Roy did to me but I knew he wouldn't. He's not like him. He helped me through this pregnancy. But we decided that it would be best if we gave our baby up for adoption since we couldn't take care of it.

9 months later...

I was in the hospital crying because of the stupid decision Chris and I made. We gave our baby daughter up so that she can live a better life.

When I first saw her, I knew that I made a mistake but it was too late. They ready took her away. The bad thing is that couldn't do anything about it.

After a few days they let me go home. I went back to my normal life, shooting some movies and hanging out with friends.

Chris and I didn't tell anyone that we had a kid. We wanted to keep that a secret since we wouldn't be keeping it anyway.

Every year, on her birthday, I would sit in my room and cry about the stupid decision I've made.

But I knew that I would never see her again. I didn't believe that I would. But one day a miracle happened and that's when I found my baby girl again.

Okay I hope that helps a little about the situation.

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now