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Hailee's pov
So the guys just left. Momma is helping Maria make some food. It seems they both like cooking. Violet is playing with a dog which I just found out they had. Mom is talking to that Santiago guy about something. Probably Mafia stuff. And Antonia is just sitting next to me reading a book. And I'm just chilling there processing everything.

"So how old are you?" I look over because Toni just asks me that. "Sorry what?" "How old are you?" "Oh I'm thirteen" she smiles. "I'm fourteen" I nod my head. Cool cool cool cool cool cool. "So since my moms not going to answer this question, I'll just ask you. Is your family-" "Yes" my jaw drops.

"Oh my god. And i was about to die and I didn't even know this important information!" I practically yell. "Hailee quiet down" momma says from the kitchen. "Sorry momma" she nods her head and continues doing whatever.

"You have two moms. That's so cool" Tony sets her book aside. "Yeah and I have dad too" she nods her head. "Yes of course" she laughs. Then the dog comes over with Violet beside him petting it. "Hi Lola" Toni says getting a toy and throwing it. Vi decides to sit down next to me and cuddle me.

"Cute dog" I tell her and she smiles. It's a German Shepard. "Thanks" we sit there in silence. I then got bored as Vi was talking to Toni so I got up and went to see what momma was cooking. She didn't look that busy so that i wouldn't disturb anything.

"Momma?" She looks up at me and smiles. "What's up baby?" She mixes something in a pot. "Can we go home now?" I ask her. Maria makes her way to me with a bowl of candy. "Try this" I look at her then the candy. I shrug and take on and put it in my mouth. It's actually really good. "Thank you" she nods and goes back to cooking.

"I don't know bubs but I hope soon" "so we're staying here for a bit then?" I ask her and she nods. "You guys can stay as long as you want" Maria speaks up. "Thank you" momma tells her. I then feel someone tap my shoulder and I look back and see Santiago.

"Um hi" let me tell you. I'm shitting my pants. He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me then mom comes over. "Tig stop scaring my daughter" mom ow now standing next to me holding me tight. "Sorry but she looks so much like you" he says and I look up at mom. She's smiling so that's a good thing.

"House tour?" He then asks. "Um" I look up at mom and she nods her head. "Let's go" we follow him with Vi. It took a bit longer because Violet has small legs. He showed us to the library which was huge. Then other rooms. There was in indoor pool and gym. "And that's it" Santiago said closing the gym door.

"So no weapon room or anything?" I ask him and he just smirks. "Hailee stop" mom gives me a warning look. "There is, but not for you little kids" he says and walks away. "Mom, when are they others coming back?" She just shrugs. Wow thanks for that answer.

"Why can't we just stay with dad?" I ask her and she sighs. "I don't want him to get involved in this too" I nod my head. She has a point. I then get a message and I look at it. It was Zoe asking if I wanted to hang. I don't know if I could at this moment. So I told her that there was family things happening and that we will as soon as they are finished. She said that it was fine and to be safe.

I then familiar voices coming from the front. I rush to see Dig and Raf with others around them. I then see some blood on some of their faces. "Is that blood?" I ask Dig and he sighs. "It's not ours that for sure" Raf said earning a smack from everyone. I notice that he's the funnier one and less serious.

"Hailee go see what your mother is doing" Dig tells me and I sigh walking to the kitchen. They are all there except the dad and the boys with the other ones they had. So basically all the girls. We all talk about literally anything and life. I didn't say much. I was too busy thinking of what the fuck is happening.

I then feel someone cup my face and I look up to see mom looking at me worried. "You okay bubs?" I just nod my head and I rest my forehead on hers. She's just like Natasha Romanoff. Her love language is touch. Especially with foreheads. That's weird to say lmao.

We stay like that for a bit. It calms me down until someone snaps me out of my brain. I look at see Raf standing there. Moms shooting daggers at him. "Why?" She asks. "You guys looked to peaceful. I hate it" he says walking away. Then Dig walks up to us holding onto something.

"Is this yours?" He hands me the necklace I got from mom. "Yeah. I was looking for this for a while now" that earned at concerned look from both of them. "What?" I ask. "How long have you been looking for it?" Mom asks me and I think. "Like three or four days" "shit" Dig says. "No swearing in front of the children" Maria chimes in.

"Did you notice anything else missing or out of place in last week?" Dig ask both of us. "Not that I can think of" mom says and I shake my head. "Raf let's go" that's all he says. Raf walks over to him and the speak in silence. They both look over at us and nod. They then walk out the house to god knows where.

"What was that about?" Momma asks. "I'll tell you later" mom says and she nods. "Okay suppers ready" Maria says then telling us to wash our hands. We do that then go to the dining room. We sit downs and start eating.

Lizzie's pov
I don't know what scar was talking about but I know it's not good. We eat supper that Maria and I made. She's really nice and sweet. Easy to talk too. After that, Scar, Toni and Haiz offered to wash up so they did. I took that time to get Violet ready for bed.

Maria showed us where we would be staying and miraculously there was close for us all. I don't know how and when but there is. "Pink or purple?" I ask Vi as I hold up some pyjamas for her. "Pink!" She says and I help her out. After that, I help her brush her teeth and go to the bathroom.

"Can you read my a story?" Vi ask as I help her in bed. She has her own room that's attached to ours. Hailee's room is right across from ours. "Of course" I tuck in her in her own bed and lay next to her and read a book to her.

She soon fall asleep and I kiss her goodnight. I then make my way to the door and close it behind me and appear in our room. I see Scarlett laying there crying. I rush over to her and cup her face. She looks up at me with those green glossy eyes.

"Babe what's wrong?" I wipe some tears away with my thumbs. "This is all my fault. All this wouldn't be happening if I just listen to him" she tells me. I don't really know what she means by that but I know it's not good.

"Babe it's not your fault okay. None of this is. He's just a really sick man and we will stop him" I tell her and she calms down a bit. "I'm scared" she looks at me. "I am too but I will keep you and the girls safe. So will the Sanchez" I tell her as I lay us down. I'm still in my day clothes but that doesn't matter.

"Thank you for being here with me and not leaving me" when she said that, it broke my heart. Why would she think I would leave her? "Your welcome and I will never leave you and the girls and that's a promise" she nods her head and cuddles into me.

"Babe?" She looks up at me. "Yeah?" She answers in her raspy voice that I love. "Why would you think I would leave you?" She doesn't say anything. "Sorry. You don't have to answer that" I tell her and turn the lamp off.

"Back in high school, something happened between me and him...and it wasn't something good"

Chris and Scarlett's daughter pt.2Where stories live. Discover now