Chapter Eleven

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Author's Mini Note

So I have decided to take my one long chapter and chop it up so i will be posting multiple times today some normal sized chapters.

Love yal and enjoy!

Breac had finally got what he wished but as they said everything had a price.

He had gotten to see Elspet's face and now he had her alone but, hours after Lady Macdonnell had come and worked on Elspet she had gained a fever.

To say it was Breac's worst nightmare was a understatement.It was his personal hell.

He had seen dozens of his people die from fever and, he had witnessed even the strongest of his fathers warriors not survive.So what would become of the wee lass in his bed? Breac did everything his mother asked of him and never left Elspet's bedside. The urge to crawl into his bed with the lass was beyond belief. He wished to hold her embrace as if doing so could protect her from the fever that ravaged her weak body, but he couldn't. She was already feverish and he feared his body heat would only make it worse.

Even then if it was safe for him to lay with her..would she even want him to?

He was not her betrothed much less her friend..if anyone had the right to tend to her it was the blind lad;he growled. Breac's blood ran hot at the thought of someone else getting to nurse her back to health, someone else touching her, someone else protecting her. As far as he was concerned that was his job from now on; a job he would be honored to do.

Breac turned his attention from his thought back to the beautiful lass beside him as soft whimpers of discomfort trickled from her red mouth. He frowned and moved to get a rag from a bucket full of slushy snow.He dipped the rag beneath the surface of the cooling contents before wringing it out and placing it upon the lass's forehead. Breac watched as his lass frowned softly at the suddenly cool before her face relaxed slowly and became one of only slight discomfort. Elspet some time later slipped into a healing sleep. Breac soon followed after into a dark world of uncertainty and dreams.


" Irvette darling it is simply not possible..Your brother would not keep the birth of his daughter a secret much less would she show up as a battered servant girl in our manor.." Laird Macdonnell exasperated as his wife paced from wall to wall inside of their bed chambre. She had woke him up in the middle of the night spewing nonsense of a long lost niece's with eyes that matched those of her childhood friend and her own brothers wife's.

"Alasdair how else could the lass look that way?? Why she is the spitting image of Ainslie from her thick ringlets to those damn eyes!"

Alasdair frowned and approached his wife slowly before cupping her cheek softly with his hand."My darling your brother Lachlann and Ainslie have been trying to have their own bairn's since they married and it has simply not come to be..Regardless if they did sire a bairn especially a lass as beautiful as Ainslie donna yee think they would have rejoiced?Your brother would have been screaming from the manor top about their wee lass and yee know that .Ainslie is your closest friend and Lachlann your brother. I assure you if they had a bairn we would be the first to know."Laird Macdonnell stroked his loves cheek softly as he spoke. Lady Macdonnell nodded softly.

"Yee are right Alasdair,they would have told us"

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